Cary 805c and Quad ESL-63 Combination?

Has anyone tried using Cary 805c's with Quad ESL-63's? How does that combo sound? Do the amps have enough power for the speakers? I am thinking of upgrading from Cary SLM-100's. Any help is greatly appreciated.

ps. If anyone has any other suggestions for amps that work well with quads, I would appreciate the recommendation.

I had a less positive experience combining 805c's and ESL-63s. I run mine biamped with Vandersteen 2wq subs, but the issue I encountered was more with the treble. It seemed very dead on top. I love 805c amps (I've heard them on other systems) and I really love Quad ESL-63s, but together they did not work for me. I assumed it was some sort of impedance issue with the electrostatics, but if others have found positive results, maybe it was something else. Just thought I would share my experience. I will not sell my Quads so I reluctantly traded 805c's to a friend for VTL amps that sound fantastic with my setup. I will always have a warm place in my heart for those Cary's though... so nice.
Forgot to mention that the Cary's blew me away with their "big" sound and huge dynamics. 50 watts sound like 200 watts, and I don't mean 200 solid state watts. I mean they sound like 200 tube watts. Comparable dynamics to the 200 watt VTLs I now have. Must be those beastly transformers.

Too funny... I misread the date of this thread. What's 15 years between friends? ha ha