Top Luxman integrated - 509u or 590Aii?

The Luxman integrated amps are highly regarded. Their two top models are similarly priced, though they differ in that the 590Aii is 30 wpc pure class A, and the 509u is 120 wpc class AB.

The class A 590Aii amps are supposed to sound great, but they run very hot and are inefficient.

The class AB 509u amps are powerful and more efficient, and they also apparently sound good.

I have auditioned the 550Aii (20 wpc pure class A), and it sounded wonderful. It is the only Luxman integrated on display in my city.

I am confused as to which would be the better choice, the 509u or the 590Aii?


It seems this is a common dilemma with those interested in the Luxman integrated amps, whether it be the 509/590 or the 505/550, few have heard both. I purchased the 590A II back in January and like you I am very pleased. Between the 509 and 590, functionally there are trade-offs both ways, such as, the 509 lacks a remote, this is a big deal to me; for the 590, as you state, it runs hot and for some 30 watts isn't enough, although it is a very powerful 30 watts. I was specifically looking to go Class A.

In talking with the dealer I purchased mine from and asking about the differences between the A and A/B units, he feels it depends on the speakers one uses.
If you have efficient speaker I would go for the 590Aii. But what is the reason you have chosen for Luxman?
It's up to your music taste! 509U is strong and musical, 590AII is sweet and smooth. I have used many SS and found that Luxman 509U is the best SS sounding (under 5k) !
