Paul Weitzel from Tube Research Labs

We lost a great person and audio giant, my condolences and sympathy to him and his family.

Paul's friendship, knowledge and passion for music will most certainly remain with me forever.

My heart goes out to his family and yes Paul was a genius and wonderful man. His designs completely changed my audio world. I can no longer settle for good or different as his gear and sound was on an entirely different plane of performance. 

He never accepted the status quo or conventional wisdom and broke the rules we see written in many electronics books. He was a real pioneer with the heart of a pioneer.

He was so generous with his time with me. He spent countless hours teaching and coaching me on how to build electronics, and all over the phone! 

He was also a man who trusted God with his whole heart. Despite his physical ailments,  Paul always received his strength and hope from his Lord and Savior. 

Paul will be greatly missed by many and for a host of beautiful reasons. 
I am very saddened that Paul has passed. He was very helpful to me when I needed it. Paul was a great audio designer that built me the best preamp I have ever owned and still use daily....the Dude preamp. 
Paul was more then happy to talk audio with me but the time I brought up my other passion, ice fishing in northern Mn, well,  it's all he wanted to talk about. I appreciated that he had such interest in my other endeavors. 
   He won't be there to call on now but I will always remember our talks together. 
R.I.P. Paul, you will be missed !