I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible

I didn’t want to crap on someone’s sales thread, so I thought i’d post my amazement here. The focus of my disbelief? The "Dalby D7-Vinyl Stabilizer," which is a damn weight that screws onto the turntable spindle to hold the record securely onto the platter. Listed retail? 4000 British Pounds! (although a mag listed it at $6,800! On sale here at AudioGullible for the bargain basement price of 2500 British Pounds, or $3600 US dollars!!! Just read a few snippets of the sales ad . . .

"The D7-Vinyl Stabiliser has a sonic character that brings music to life and the ability to elevate the entire audio frequency from the veil and mechanics inherent in prerecorded music. The gains are immediate, with sweeter high frequency extension while the mid and lower registers are beautifully controlled. The soundscape is wider, higher and deeper, allowing the music to breathe more naturally."

I’m sorry, but I’m calling total BS on this. A friggin’ weight brings "music to life," "sweeter high frequency extension," "allowing the music to breathe more naturally . ." Come on. Its a modified paperweight that screws onto the platter. One can only imagine what this guy thinks about some $20K interconnects for the turntable -- the music probably writes itself! And don’t forget the amazing improvement that a $4,000 carbon fiber mat might add . . . You probably would think you were hallucinating because the music breathed so much it was oozing out of the speakers, like on some of my more memorable nights in college in the ’70’s.

Now I have never heard this amazing gift to the audiophile community, so maybe it is the audio equivalent of the Second Coming, but really? $5,800 for this? It confirms to me that there is a certain insanity/gullibility/too much money/snake oil in this so-called "hobby," (which is a hobby to customers and ridiculous business for some manufacturers). When is enough enough? What about audiophile paint, that has amazing sonic qualities to cut down reflection and make the soundstage so wide that you feel you need a new apartment? Don’t forget the audiophile couch, that is sonically neutral but promises to position your ears to "bring music to life?" OK, I’ve made my point. No offense to the seller of the snake oil, but really . . . When is enough enough?

This concludes my rant for today. :)
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@agear , I peruse AudioGon all the time. I am always surprised at some the enormously priced cables, interconnects and equipment. However, I do know that cables sound different, and equipment sounds different -- maybe not $20K better than a $1K cable, but who knows. But sometimes, claims are made which literally leap out at me and cry for comment because of the claims vs. cost vs the product. If the Dalby was $700 or $1000, I wouldn't have blinked. But $5600 US for a record clamp with the overblown claims in the ad . . . As I said before, enough is enough. I'm not sure if you were joking about friends having them and "swearing by them," but it again proves my point that once you're committed to a purchase, it becomes fabulous and you buy into the claims. But in a double-blind test . .. Highly different result, I suspect.

I have audio buddies with top drawer systems who have earnestly fiddled with various clamps and found this one to be the best.  There is hyperbole attached to a lot of audio products, threads, etc.  That is nothing new.  

You did not answer my questions.  System?  Any vignettes of gullibility or are you some transcendent audio being who makes no mistakes?

For the skeptical protector of naive gullible audiophiles there’s a lot to get the blood boiling. One need look no further than $15K stereo cartridges, $125K speakers, $48K speaker cables, $12K power cords, $24K interconnects, $110K turntables, $6K power strips, tiny little bowl resonators made of pure platinum or gold, amplifiers at more than $100K, $86K DACs. What’s the retail price for the Shun Mook Mpingo record clamp these days, assuming it’s even available which I doubt? That ought be sufficient to bring on a brain aneurism in even the most world weary skeptic.

Price alone is not an issue.    Some things are worth a lot.  

But false advertising is.  Nobody should tolerate it knowingly.  Even audiophiles.  Like it or not, complacency makes one part of a corrupt system.

Facts tend to come out over time.   Only then does everyone get their just reward.
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