Silverline Speaker Opinion

Awhile back I traded for some original Silverline Menuets. It's the smallest speaker I've owned. 

After putting them in a bedroom system without a sub, I'm really enjoying them. I find myself reading and listening more opposed to watching TV in bed.

For those of you familiar with Silverline, is the Minuet similar to the rest of the Silverline lineup, or just special?

Also, what other speakers are a dead ringer for my tastes if I like the Minuet sound? I'd like to explore other options as I'm starting to understand my preferred sound. Maybe duplicate the experience in my main system. I currently use Usher floorstanders in a 15x18' room, and am happy - but curious.

I'd appreciate your opinions.


I'm still enjoying the Minuets with a dual 8" Mirage sub I had around here. Good to hear of your good experiences. 

Keeping an an eye out for used Silverlines, I notice some of the larger models for sale.

Do you guys think the larger models maintain the 'magic'? Or do you feel the narrow baffle to be a major factor in the sound? Unfortunately, unless I take a road trip I cannot audition the models to compare. As it stands I think I would buy the Prelude or Plus without hearing them- but curious about the Sonatina. 

Your opinions would be appreciated.


Uncledemp - I've never heard the higher end Silverline speakers.  Given what Alan Yun can do for $2G and less, however, I bet they sound fantastic.  I do think the narrow baffle of the Preludes is a contributor to their specific sound but don't think that means there's not magic in his other designs.  

Wolf - thanks for your, ummm, persuasive pro-subwoofer argument.  I definitely find there are days when I'd at least like to think I'm having more fun than might actually be the case (but at what point does that become delusional psychosis?)  Mental health issues aside, a sub could definitely be a next step in the upgrade path.  At this point, though, it isn't critical (IMO); fun factor with the Pluses is pretty high.  
The larger models are still pretty narrow. My experience is with the La Folias, like these:

They can disappear and provide pinpoint imaging if fed by good electronics. That leads me to believe that the cabinet isn't much of a hindrance, although I do prefer open baffles in general. They go pretty low, but can't pressurize a room like good subs do. Although not a problem for my ears, some feel that the Dynaudio Esotar tweeters are bright for their taste. If it matters the woodwork/finish is top notch and got many positive comments from those who saw them. 

Just my personal experience, YMMV. Cheers,
Thanks everybody. I'm retired but doing some training for a company this year in 6 or 7 different parts of the country. I really need to plan an audition in one of the more populated areas.

Over the years I've owned several speakers but the Silverlines are in the top few for sure. Hopefully I'll be able to hear several models this year. 


Hi Gary

I just wrote a note in the speaker section about Silverlines. I have a set of Sonatina MKIVs which I love. Bought them used and have been more than happy. What I wrote about was my new to me (bought used as well) Minuet Supreme Plus speakers. They sound amazing ... I am very happy with them!