Can a apple airport express be part of a audiophile system?

Hi, I am curious as to who uses the airport express in their system and how the experience compares to a cd player or high end music server. What I like about the airport express is the price and ease of use with itunes. I am worried however about the audio quality since I have read about people experiencing delays, dropouts, and the newest model having unacceptable jitter. I have also looked at the Sony Hap S1 and Aurelic Aries Mini as high end options but the price and usability scares me off. Thoughts?
Don't want to go off on a tangent, but you may want to consider the following. If you can find a used Wadia 171i (not 170) or a Cambridge Audio ID100 Ipod docks then hook them up to your DAC you are in business. Read reviews on both items and decide for yourself.

I have both but my preference is the ID100. I have 100gb of music (apple lossless) on my Ipod Classic, and I never have to leave my seat to look for a CD. Put it on shuffle and wait for the next surprise. Life is good. Sound quality is as good or better then any CD transport I have ever used.

Good Luck   
I tried AE but now I use Bluesound for the whole home audio thing.  Bluesound wipes the floor sonically with AE--it's not even a fair fight-and while it is far from perfect, I prefer the Bluesound app
to i tunes for managing the collection.  I also enjoy being able to play my music without having to have Apple sell me something every time I want to relax
Of course it can...give me an Apple Express connected to a great pair of speakers in a well-treated room over a $5000 DAC connected to a mediocre set of speakers in a carelessly set up room everyday and 23 times on Sunday.
mahler123, I'm currently using Apple TV which is probably even worse than AE due to sampling issues. I'm looking very closely at the Bluesound Node 2, so would really appreciate it if you can expand on exactly how the "Bluesound wipes the floor sonically with AE...". What specific sonic improvement(s) did you notice in your system?

Lastly, I've not had the issue of Apple trying to sell me something whenever I use my Apple TV as a streamer. Just curious about how that's different than an AE.