Magnetic RCA adaptors: Latest snake oil?

Every time I open an audiophile rag ( Back pages.) Have a  Live artist in your living room

Gizmo is now ready to BLOW OFF your wig!!

Now it's MAGNETIC couplers (RCA adaptors)  FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL to

align eddy currents carrying RED BOOK CD or Vinyl pure notes to your speakers.

And let's not forget ending at our EARS.

Anyone tried these. Only those who have lost there WIG PLEASE!!


Again, I suggest reading Dudley's article, it includes a description of Ric Schultz's design and what he claims it does. While it made things worse in Art's system, he didn't discount that it might work in other systems. 
Seems mighty easy for the naysayers to call products "snake oil" when they never tried the product.
Before you bash something and say it can’t work you should try it for yourself, and then state your thoughts based upon your experience, good or bad.
There are other forums here on Audiogon where the HFC products are discussed by people that own and use the products:
Regarding Dudley's article; I posted the following based upon my own experience:
I just read the article in Stereophile regarding the HFC magnetic adapters. One thing I learned more then a year ago is you have to put any HFC product in place, and leave it there for let's say 24 - 48 hours and let it settle in and do whatever it is that it does within those hours. I also suffered from the frustration of not being able to put a HFC product in and out to do a comparison test, but it just doesn't work that way. Personally I think that's the error that Art Dudley made. He described honestly what he heard but I don't think he realized what I described above. Just my personal opinion.

lak  " ... Seems mighty easy for the naysayers to call products 'snake oil' when they never tried the product.
Before you bash something and say it can’t work you should try it for yourself, and then state your thoughts based upon your experience, good or bad ..."

I think you're correct, lak, but you miss the point. The naysayers you mention are mostly interested in touting their expertise and prowess, not in actually going to the trouble of trying a product. Some of these self-proclaimed experts will even profess to know how a poster's entire system will sound - they insist they can do this because of their familiarity with such a wide variety of equipment, their unique engineering skills, their intimate knowledge of circuit design, and so on. We have one contributor here who insists he alone has identified a critical form of distortion that no one else has ever detected and that even he himself can't measure. But he's designed a circuit that can "correct" this elusive, immeasurable, unfathomable distortion.

You and I can't change the behavior of these pretenders to a throne, lak. Really the best thing to do is to just ignore them. Their proclamations are sometimes so absurd that it's hard to remain silent, however. I get that. When their posts verge into the name-calling and profane, the best thing to do is alert the moderators. I've had excellent cooperation from the moderating team here.
"Besides, a rich man has about as much chance of entering audio nirvana as a camel has of passing through the eye of a needle."

Is that an elliptical or conical needle?
I am very skeptical of the latest fads.  I have been around to see many come and go.  However, these Hi Fidelity Cables are the real deal in my system.  I can be pretty cheap but I figured it was free to listen to them as they were returnable within 30 days.  No way they were going back after they went into my system.  They made a huge difference in my soundstage and imaging.  All of a sudden I could see and hear where every instrument was. For the first time I knew I was really in the High End of stereo.
I belong to an audiophile society in San Francisco and there are quite a few converts in the group. Some of dropped tens of thousands of dollars on the whole system and their system does sound terrific. I can't go that far but if you are lucky for $300 or $600 for a pair you could get great system improvement.
With my Magnepan speakers I had a better improvement with these ( 2 sets ) then I did using the new PS Audio Monoblocks for $15,000! 

Everybody's system is different but I encourage you to give these a try. Probably 80% chance you will be very satisfied.