Magnetic RCA adaptors: Latest snake oil?

Every time I open an audiophile rag ( Back pages.) Have a  Live artist in your living room

Gizmo is now ready to BLOW OFF your wig!!

Now it's MAGNETIC couplers (RCA adaptors)  FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL to

align eddy currents carrying RED BOOK CD or Vinyl pure notes to your speakers.

And let's not forget ending at our EARS.

Anyone tried these. Only those who have lost there WIG PLEASE!!


"Besides, a rich man has about as much chance of entering audio nirvana as a camel has of passing through the eye of a needle."

Is that an elliptical or conical needle?
I am very skeptical of the latest fads.  I have been around to see many come and go.  However, these Hi Fidelity Cables are the real deal in my system.  I can be pretty cheap but I figured it was free to listen to them as they were returnable within 30 days.  No way they were going back after they went into my system.  They made a huge difference in my soundstage and imaging.  All of a sudden I could see and hear where every instrument was. For the first time I knew I was really in the High End of stereo.
I belong to an audiophile society in San Francisco and there are quite a few converts in the group. Some of dropped tens of thousands of dollars on the whole system and their system does sound terrific. I can't go that far but if you are lucky for $300 or $600 for a pair you could get great system improvement.
With my Magnepan speakers I had a better improvement with these ( 2 sets ) then I did using the new PS Audio Monoblocks for $15,000! 

Everybody's system is different but I encourage you to give these a try. Probably 80% chance you will be very satisfied.
Hey, I hate misaligned "eddy currents" as much as the next audiophool. At $549 for four, I'm not sure that this even qualifies for "snake oil." I guess that it does, since it smells like total BS and it is one of those rare vials of snake oil that a reviewer from Stereophile didn't crap in his pants about.  Now you know that if a reviewer doesn't fawn all over the latest trend in snake oil as the most magnificent thing you can buy for your system since the invention of electricity, there is a problem.  But I think that I know what the problem is . . . The snake oil is TOO CHEAP!  Had the cost of realigning those pesky eddy currents been in the snake oil "sweetspot" . . . say $2500 to $5000, no doubt the reviewer would have been "blown away" by the amazing increase in soundstage and "sparkle" now that his eddy currents were aligned.

But of course, maybe I'm just a skeptic.  Maybe @rcprince is right . . .it was the fault of the transistors in the reviewer's preamp!  I once again, as I have in another thread, call for scientific double-blind testing before some reviewer supports (or discredits) the latest snake oil.

I would like to officially lodge a protest with respect to this particular device, the HFC magnetic RCA connectors, as my Animal Magnetism Cable Collars (which I introduced two years ago) do pretty much the same thing and more thoroughly one presumes. Animal Magnetism Cable Collars also deal with induced magnetic fields in both power cords and interconnects as well as HDMI cables.

At $549 for four, I'm not sure that this even qualifies for "snake oil." I guess that it does, since it smells like total BS and it is one of those rare vials of snake oil that a reviewer from Stereophile didn't crap in his pants about.  Now you know that if a reviewer doesn't fawn all over the latest trend in snake oil as the most magnificent thing you can buy for your system since the invention of electricity, there is a problem.  But I think that I know what the problem is . . . The snake oil is TOO CHEAP!  Had the cost of realigning those pesky eddy currents been in the snake oil "sweetspot" . . . say $2500 to $5000, no doubt the reviewer would have been "blown away" by the amazing increase in soundstage and "sparkle" now that his eddy currents were aligned.

That pretty much nailed it moto_man. You see, a glossy rag CAN'T rave about a product unless they are getting properly "fed". To properly "feed" the glossy rags takes a large amount of marketing and advertising dollars. Of course these dollars are then passed off to the end consumer in retail pricing.

So normally:
Great review  = Overpriced
Luke Warm review = Priced about right

I'm sure the manufacturer will learn how to play the game, and will soon release the Signature, Ultimate, and Ultimate Reference version of these adapters that will be priced more accordingly pleasing to the glossy rags, and once properly fed, the rags  will give their blessing of approval.