Which CD\SACD?


Looking for a 2nd hand CD\SACD player.
Seeking for high levels of inner resolution, rich sound, and musicality.

Budget is up to $2,500.

Any help and information would be greatly appreciated. 


The first and second round of mods were done by Ric Schulz of EVS and included analog and digital mods, the Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX box, high speed clock, Oppo Mods Linear PS, the one with massive toroidal transformer, with upgraded capacitors. The third round of mods were done by yours truly and included one of my spring-based ceramic tile vibration iso stands, complete double mu metal wrapping of toroidal transformer, cork isolation for circuit boards, WA Quantum Chips galore, constrained layer damping for toroidal transformer, Mpingo discs for CD transport compartment, Marigo VTS dots for most capacitors, replaced Oppo cover with clear Lexan, Codename Turquoise scattered laser light (visible red spectrum) treatment for CD tray, Dark Matter invisible light absorber for CD tray, mu metal/copper/3M AB5100s anti RFI treatment for all ribbon connectors, and quite a few PWB tweaks as well, you know, foils, Red X Pen, Magnadiscs, that sort of thing.
geoffkait, that was an Oppo 103 just like it was a Toyota Camry that won the Daytona 500 yesterday....

You referred to it in the past tense, so why did you give it up after so much work?
Parasound discontinued their Halo CD 1.  Not much in terms of future-proofed technology, but an excellent spinner that you might be able to pick up at a great price.