Best Standard Def DVD Player under $8,000 used?

I am looking for the best possible Standard Def DVD player
that is BLACK. I have a Krell DVD Showcase now and it's
great but I am wondering if there is better to be had for
under $8,000 used.

I would like to hear opinions/comparisons of the video
quality for:

Krell DVD Standard
Linn Unidisk 1.1
Meridian G98
Denon 5910CI


Danmyers you don't get it do you?

I asked about 4 very specific players and you (as
well as many others who ridicule me) have nothing
useful to say about these 4 players. You guys just
can't read can you? If you have no experience with
these 4 players than you have no business changing
the discussion topic to something else.

How much clearer could I be about the discussion topic?

Either you can't read or your just being a jerk.
Maybe even both... Yes I think both..
To all: If you have no experience with these 4 players
do us both a favor and post elsewhere. If you have a/b'd
these I'd love to hear of your experiences.
Tom, no need to quit acting like a lady lol!
I never ridiculed you, unless you are counting that lady, this is supposed to be fun!

If it means anything I didnt think too much of the Krell, its not really what that company is about anyway...the Esoteric DV-60 was better, even the Lexicon RT10 was but you have a need for black.

While I have had long term experience with three of these players as I posted in my initial post, I totally agree with what everyone is saying, buy a Sony BDP-S350, they street for sub $200, and it is a profile 2.0 capable player that functions so quickly you won't notice any slow load times.

Buy the high end players for audio performance, as I said, I still have two on your list in my systems, but don't fool yourself that your getting better than Blu-ray, and BTW for a dollar a month Netflix will mail you any Blu-ray you want, or by shopping around you can easily buy them for sub $20.

I can see owning the players you listed, and as I said, I do, I also have several Blu-ray players, and I DO NOT use my DV-50s or Denon 5910CI for SD DVD's anymore. I use a Sony Blu-ray player in the bedroom for this (and the Denon 5910 for audio there) and I use one of the three b;lu-ray players in my main rig or the Toshiba HD XA2 as they are amazing scalers! The XA2 outperforms the Meridian G98 and Denon 5910 in video, I never had it to directly AB to the Linn, but I suspect it would beat it as well.

So, my point is that all the people you feel are attacking you for not just answering your question are actually helping you by steering you to a new and far superior technology. I will go one step further to say if you do not own a blu-ray player now and you spend that much on a SD DVD player YOU are the fool!
-11-09: Tom92602

Ok.. Nice work all you $300 BluRay payer lovers..
If only you had high end systems to appreciate the
gear I am wanting to discuss.


I do believe that you are confusing what high end is all about. High end is most certainly NOT about high cost,but it is about high performance.

But truth be told bro,I'll take my so called low end ps3 and enjoy true high end picture and sound quality. Quite frankly dvd sucks compared with high end blu-ray.