Two-channel is inferior to multi-channel, no?

I think that 2 channel is inferior, though, of course, my ears and reason may be mistaken.

Feedback please!

The obvious reason, I am thinking, it is that two channels are less representative of infinity (live music) than 3, 5 or 7, etc. This is the case even if the transducers, amps & speakers, and room acoustics, are perfect (dream on...) in the 2-channel mode.

In my own system, two Revel M-20s as center channel, vertically arrayed, with Revel M-50s on either side, there is the occasional CD (jazz is my thing) that sounds better in stereo, than with 5.1 processed sound, but this is rare. Most sound better with the center channel prominent (either in Dolby Standard or Music modes).

It's possible that I simply need better equipment.

But then why do I find that the best sound (in my system) is from digital sources, e.g. DVD, Blu-Ray, SACD, whether the sound reproduces music or movies. Would better equipment neutralize (and even flip) this negative comparison of stereo to multi-channel reproduction? If so, what is the explanation?

What I find in particular (for music and movies) that is that digital sources in multi-channel mode give full breath and focus to the center channel, placing this important sound component exactly where it should be: precisely in the center of the room. And giving the other channels 'room' to shine (though, in my system, given the amplification available, this should not problem).

What am I missing in theory?
"Cdwallace3 - I'm not sure how center channel would help in my system where I have center images right on the spot and midrange is very clear but I suspect it helps a lot with center image and voice presence on cheap satellite home theater system and widens sweet spot for multi-seat home theater environment."

I didn't think we were talking cheap home theater. The center channel performance has no direct bearing on the quality of your system, per se. Cheap equals cheap with or without the center channel. However, your image an be spot on with crystal clear midrange; if you implement a matching speaker (I'm not a huge fan of center channel speakers) for the center channel and apply the correct processing, your image and soundstage will improve. Yes, your system will get better. If it doesn't, blame it on user error. But you're in the right place; audiogon can help. Even with a comparably "bad" processor you can make improvements. Hate to break it to you but your system still has potential that can be unlocked.

"2 channel might be better same way 100W amp might be better than 200w amp - for the same money you can get better quality/sound (in case of an amp only 20% less perceived loudness)"

Not sure how that applies, but sure, we'll go with that. Just keep in mind that there are always those finds that will produce something that is less expensive than the competition but build better and is better quality.
Cdwallace - Not only that my system has potential to be unlocked but any system has this potential. I know we're not talking cheap home theater but that is where center channel helps the most. In my system imaging is close to perfect and sweet spot is wide enough for me.

My brother was helping his sister-in-law to get better sound from TV. Obvious route was to buy something like Bose Acoustimas and be done with it but he bought good integrated and speakers on sale - 2 channel only for the same amount. Sound is so much better (including better imaging).

There are people who believe that amount of gear speaks of the quality and keep buying multichannel amps, speakers, equalizers and others. If objective is to have special effects for the movies it is different story but for music alone 2 channel system with better speakers and amplifier will deliver more thrilling sound.

You're not sure how 100W vs 200W amp applies here? Simply - don't get 200W amp if you don't need it and get better 100W amp instead as well as get better imaging and better midrange 2 channel system instead of fixing worse system with third channel IMHO.
"I know we're not talking cheap home theater but that is where center channel helps the most. In my system imaging is close to perfect and sweet spot is wide enough for me."

I beg to differ. If you haven't heard it for yourself, you can't attest to it. The center channels holds more than what your implied limitations are. If you don't know then you don't know. As for imaging, if close to perfect and wide enough are criteria you're willing to settle for, then welcome to the holy grail of audio.

Bose Acoustimas...used as a comparison...well, I'll just leave that alone altogether.

"There are people who believe that amount of gear speaks of the quality and keep buying multichannel amps, speakers, equalizers and others. If objective is to have special effects for the movies it is different story but for music alone 2 channel system with better speakers and amplifier will deliver more thrilling sound."

Never mentioned anything about amount of gear and its relation to MC. More specifically, I never mentioned the common novice audiophile misconception. Special effects, music alone, 2 channel does it better....its all regurgitated postings. Far from original in content and a bit off topic.

Lastly, who says you can't get the best of your 100w amp in the 200w version? We're not discussing application needs or which amp is better, we're talking how the center channel can improve your soundstage.

"better imaging and better midrange 2 channel system instead of fixing worse system with third channel IMHO."

Two words: User Error. If you don't know how to incorporate a center channel, don't blame it. Besides, if your building that bad of a system, one should be doing more reading and learning here on audiogon.
If the music is mastered in proper and thoughtful multi-channel sound than it will be a superb sound reproduction vehicle. Taking your stereo Redbook CD or a vinyl LP and turning on one of your processor's DSP, multi-channel Codecs may not give you the audio results you like. But some do a pretty good job. My Onkyo TX-SR806 with THX Music Cinema employed does make regular stereo recordings sound, meh pretty good. But take a hi rez digital disc properly mixed into multi-channel sound such as those Blu-ray audio discs offered by AIX Records, any Oppo BDP-83(se) user has a sampler disc in and WOW, OH WOW, OH WOW can it sound credible and lifelike.