Any Large Acoustic Suspension Speakers Being Made?

I auditioned some Dunlavy SC-IVAs in the 90s. The sound was unlike anything I've heard before or since.

Was more like a video projector creating living sonic-images in the room.

The Dunlavys are a sealed box system. The front of the speaker is heavily felt damped (mids & tweets).

I'm also wondering about anything unusual about its crossover. I have to find out why these sounded so good!

The system: Audio Research VT-120 amp, ARC LS-2 pre, Theta DAC (pre-pro?), CEC Disk spinner, and Dunlavy wire. The room was about 25 * 25 with curtains on a glass wall and LPs on the rear wall. Power conditioning is unknown.

So I'm thinking it's either the acoustic suspension or a special crossover that made the difference.

Does anyone make large sealed box speakers anymore? 

bombaywalla: I agree that the first-order crossover is probably what did it. Furthermore, I think what sets these speaker apart is Mr. Dunlavy going the extra mile and hand tailoring each crossover section to its respective driver. Most manufacturers probably arrive at their ideal on paper and assume that "if the parts we receive from our supplier are within spec then the speaker will sound "good enough"". Mr. Dunlavy was a true believer and why I got into high-end in the first place. Unfortunately, my means at the time didn't allow me to purchase the SC-IVAs. I'm moving back east (from Las Vegas) and will be assembling my last system.
Hopefully, I'll find a speaker close to the Dunlavys. 

Seeing you've like the Dunlavy's.

I can recommend the Wilson Alexia's as only they have wowed me away from the Duntech (Dunlavy) Sovereigns for a box speaker. But you'll need a big amp (100-200w) with big current for these, just like the Duntech/Dunlavy's do.

Cheers George .


George, The Alexia is way-more speaker than I need. I'm thinking about some used Sashas partnered with the new D'Agostino Classic stereo amp and an Audio Research Ref 5SE. Can't see needing more than this in my Golden Years...
If you have the room you might consider checking the ads here from time to time, used Duntech Sovereigns/Princesses and Dunlavys show up from time to time.  While I sold my Princesses after about 15 years with them, I still have a soft spot in my heart for them.