I need advice on which speaker

I’m looking anything at around 4-6k ( willing to go higher if need be
) but auditioning is a bit of challenge
24’ x’15’ room. i have parsound HINT amp and mostly stream jazz, classical, rock.
the speakers would be for music 2 channel only.
I’m leaning towards RBH, monitor audio, B&W, KEF, sonus faber, salk sound.

what are some of your favorites the would meet my needs

I can't believe the amount of choices... the only problem is i won't be able to audition any of these speakers, i really can one audition the mainstream speakers.. (B&W,kef, revel, MA, ) those are the tops.

I went through the same process when selecting speakers when I became an "audiophile" wannabe as a hobby. Still learning as I go. All the posts I read gave you good advice. I ended up with Bowers and Wilkins 802 D's. Great speaker but I was disappointed at first. Sounded not nearly as good as the demos in the listening room at the store. My opinion is that whatever speaker you choose, even if you have to downgrade your budget some, spend a little time (and hold back a few of your budget$) learning about the acoustic properties of your listening area. There are many options for attractive acoustical treatments which can be customized to effectively disappear in your decor. That's what I did and I'm still tweaking! My B&W's now sound as good as they did when I auditioned them. "Tuning your room" is the best way to get the biggest bang for your buck with any speaker you choose. Unless you already are ahead of this game, research home acoustical treatments. Made all the difference for me.

Blackjack - you mention auditioning is a challenge.  30 min from Phila. means 30 min (to an hour, I'd guess) from a number of brick and mortar audio shops.  2 that come to mind are Community Audio in Germantown and Quest for Sound in Bensalem.  I'm certain there are a few more.  I'm not saying you will find all the speakers previously listed in this thread but, regardless, making time for in store listening, if at all possible, would be educational at the very least. Good luck in your search.   
I have MartinLogan Theos with a McIntosh 6700. I listen to all types of music but mainly jazz, classical, swing, blues and rock. These are tremendous speakers and I will be upgrading to the Ethos model in the near future. Give a listen to these speakers before you buy anything.