I need advice on which speaker

I’m looking anything at around 4-6k ( willing to go higher if need be
) but auditioning is a bit of challenge
24’ x’15’ room. i have parsound HINT amp and mostly stream jazz, classical, rock.
the speakers would be for music 2 channel only.
I’m leaning towards RBH, monitor audio, B&W, KEF, sonus faber, salk sound.

what are some of your favorites the would meet my needs

A key issue you want to consider is if the speaker uses proprietary drivers. I'm a Snell fan. Snell is out of business. Not a problem for me because ALL of the drivers in my Snell Type B's are off the shelf Vifa drivers. The last speakers Snell made were $50.000.00 at retail. They had proprietary drivers. Bad for when replacement time rolls around. I bought a pair of 20 year old Type B's on that other site. I bid $2000.00 and won them for $660.00 The midrange drivers were delaminated. I bought the replacements from Madisound for $80.00 a piece or less. They sound like new and to me, it was a bargain. The Type B's by the way were designed by Kevin Voecks who also designed the Revels you are thinking about. It is necessary to consider that any or all companies in this industry can go belly up. Protect yourself by buying equipment that will be as future friendly as possible. The Type B's are now 20 years old. Do not think that new speakers can or will out perform an older model. I love going to audio shows. I've listened to speakers costing six figures. ( I realize that hotels aren't ideal listening rooms). Still I've heard my Type B's sound as good or better than most. My 2 cents. Happy hunting! Joe 
Why not? Good, well-designed speakers with a wide-spread market. I believe Theil was sold to a large conglomerate, so don't know how that's going to affect their quality? Any Theil owners out there? 
I have a pair of Pendragon by Tekton, $2.5K factory direct, I really like them, very natural extended sound