What is best turntable for listening to Rock from the sixties like Led Zeppelin?

The sound quality isn’t great, so rather than something super revealing, something that is very musical, and can also convey the magic. Sort of the Decca cartridge equivalent of turntables. I am guessing less Caliburn and Techdas, more Linn, Roksan, Denon, EMT 927, Rega, even.
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I'm miffed as to the premise of this question. Any table and cartridge combo that is honest to timbre and reproduction should do your recordings justice. If you find the recordings are compromised and require correction of some sort, I would suggest that you don't use your source as an EQ but rather buy an EQ or something that will give you the tonal correction you require.

Using a table as a narrow and specific tone control is not the way to go. It is a dead end path and will not serve you well in the long run.
"Using a table as a narrow and specific tone control is not the way to go. It is a dead end path and will not serve you well in the long run." +1

First of all, if you have good copies of their LPs some of the LZ albums sound amazing on a good system. You don't need to hide the detail of the recordings. You should hear dynamic full bodied drums, delicate acoustic guitar, throaty resonant vocals, etc. 
If you're listening to $1 garage sale beaters, getting a cartridge with stylus type that's good at slogging through those would yield some betterment of a bad situation, but that's all it is. Cheers,
Thanks Raymonda. I do have an FM Acoustics linearizer that is for this purpose that I should play around with more.