AYON KT-SX Tube quality (failure rate?)

I bought a new/demo ("was only played at CES this Jan 2016...") AYON TRITON III from the US distributer this January.

Within 3 weeks 2 of the 8 KT88-SX tubes either expired or the amp complained about the tube. The vendor said: "90 days on new tubes..." ...which meant I was out of luck given his logic. New tubes cost around $180 or so.

I have either spoken with other Ayon owners on this or other forums, in private (after posting about Ayon) or when seeking to buy these tubes from them.

Guess what?

They have had the same failure rate.

Please weigh in: I am relatively new (1 year) to tube gear and have no idea if I should expect more monthly replacements. (I bought 3 matched quads of new Gold Lion KT88s, but the Ayons sound quite good to me, I just am appalled at the failure rates I experienced or heard about.)
Why not start a separate inquiry about Gold Lion KT88 reliability, specifically?  I'm thinking having AYON in the title might be a little "mis-leading".  Maybe other non-Ayon/GL KT-88 tube users are having similar issues...just a thought.   

If the tubes are branded Ayon they are certainly re-badged OEM tubes.  Seems like Ayon must have bought a bad batch of tubes and did not QC them.  Either that or the circuit runs the tubes so hard that they are prone to premature failure.  As to your general question, no properly designed amp would require monthly output tube replacement. 
I'm a bit confused what tubes failed exactly? Gold Lion KT88's or I'm guessing KT88-SX is some nomenclature for Ayon branded tubes? I will say that Gold Lion KT77's, which I use and think sound great, do have a higher than average failure rate.
@jond  @ghosthouse 
The only tubes I have run in the Ayon so far are Ayon KT88-sx. I have NOT yet run the Gold Lions as they were my "backup plan" in case the rest of the Ayon KT88s fizzed or burped or otherwise committed suicide.
@jond Ayon KT88-sx are called "treasure" tubes by the US distributer. I have a sneaking feeling I know what he means: First my treasure, then his booty as I buy replacements. But that is pure speculation on my part and not really what I intended in my post: I really just want to hear from others if they have had similar failure rates with this brand of tube... hello?