AYON KT-SX Tube quality (failure rate?)

I bought a new/demo ("was only played at CES this Jan 2016...") AYON TRITON III from the US distributer this January.

Within 3 weeks 2 of the 8 KT88-SX tubes either expired or the amp complained about the tube. The vendor said: "90 days on new tubes..." ...which meant I was out of luck given his logic. New tubes cost around $180 or so.

I have either spoken with other Ayon owners on this or other forums, in private (after posting about Ayon) or when seeking to buy these tubes from them.

Guess what?

They have had the same failure rate.

Please weigh in: I am relatively new (1 year) to tube gear and have no idea if I should expect more monthly replacements. (I bought 3 matched quads of new Gold Lion KT88s, but the Ayons sound quite good to me, I just am appalled at the failure rates I experienced or heard about.)
Vic - what's the story on biasing for the Ayon?  Is it mainly auto but allows some manual tweaking or override?  Proper bias obviously critical to maximizing tube life.  Again, good luck.
@view cast
My only contact with Ayon was a few years ago when I was considering one of their CD players listed on the gon @ a very attractive price.
I called & spoke with someone there & was told that their unit would crush every other unit I was considering.
I am no novice & with over 50 years in audio - I think that I know a few things that some with less experience may not know.
After listening to 10 minutes of the most condescending BS & pitch on their product - I thanked the man & laughed for hours while ordering the other unit that I was considering.
I am not here to bash their products as I have never owned or will ever own anything they sell.
I only wish that they would treat a prospective buyer with more respect & not try to convince someone that there is nothing better than what they are selling.
As far as I am concerned - I can spend my money anywhere I want & cannot in good faith buy anything from someone who does not respect me - my wants, needs & budget.
Is it really possible that every item they sell is the best of show seven years running - power amps, pre; speakers & CD players?
I think not!
On this forum there is always talk about "hype" & after 10 minutes on the phone with Ayon - I knew I had met/spoken with the king!

Lyon does not use the term "automatic biasing, instead they describe an "intelligent auto-fixed-bias (AFB) circuitry that does NOT operate during normal listening. Biasing Ayon Triton III is performed in two distinct and separate phases as follows (my words, shortened from the manual):

1) Upon power up, the user can manually depress a detent on the rear of the unit. This initiates a process that tests each tube in turn and sets a bias for all tubes.That bias is then used for subsequent power ups.

2) In addition, each time the amp powered down and if the current operation time exceeds 45 minutes, the tubes are automatically rechecked and if necessary, a new bias is set for each tube. This is referred to as "bias reference control".

The operation of this circuit can be observed on the back of the unit via 8 LEDs that blink in sequence from V1 through V8. If the process passes without tube problems then the LED is left dark and the next tube in the sequence is tested. This process also means that the power button does not kill power to the unit, rather it initiates power up and power down, and under circumstances (a tube failure during the last power on, or a user initiated detent press).
Vic - I was going with what they had written under Features for the Ayon Triton III (see below).

If it's working right, what you describe sounds like a pretty slick biasing system.

Signal Path
We believe that the simplest circuits work best together with the shortest signal path. The shorter the signal path is, the less possibility of sonic degradation from various sources, including the wire itself. Even on the circuit boards, the copper traces are kept to a very minimum length. The completely redesigned circuit board provides a more straightforward and direct approach to the signal paths.
  • Logical sequenced soft-start power up for extended tube life
  • Power tube and electronic protection circuit system
  • 0dB negative feedback (of any kind )
  • Ultra short signal path
  • Simplest direct circuit path for purest musical sound and high reliability
  • No solid state devices in the signal path
  • High current and low impedance design that operates tubes in the best areas their curves
  • Minimal discrete wiring for optimum signal propagation
  • Automatic and manual bias adjustment
  • No followers or buffers in the signal path
  • High quality parts throughout
  • Selector switch engages relays located near RCA jacks to switch all inputs

@ghosthouse Thanks, yes indeed... I’ll let you know what more I find out. I am extremely pleased with the sound of this amplifier. If I could get my hands on some technical info regarding the circuit, I would not be so tempted to look inside... It is extremely heavy at over 120 lbs ...It’s weight is it’s first line of defense against the curious engineer who can lift 120 but who also seems to regret doing so afterward. :-)