solid state gear- leave on?

Is it good idea to leave solid state power amps on during the day if they don't make much heat?
After reading some of these posts, I think I'm going to start putting my amps into Standby even more often. 
I leave my ss amp on in stand by 24/7 unless i go way for more than 24 hours then its unplugged from the wall. My preamp and disc player are on 24/ 7 with their screens turned off unless i am gone again for more than 24 hours.

I have always left SS amps on 24/7 and they have lasted 20 years or more!

I listen 3 or more hours each day, and do not want to listen to poor sound quality throughout the warmup phase.

I was perhaps too harsh when I posted previously that leaving your amps on all of the time is simply wasteful…I do have my RELs in standby so that’s a watt or two down the drain, but since I actually feel that saving the weather systems on this planet is utterly a lost cause, and the perceived benefits of warmed up items is important to many, I say leave everything on. Seriously…it no longer matters…your car engine suffers most of wear during the warmup so hey….let it run…why not? can afford it…leave the refrigerator open while cooking to help cool the kitchen as the ambient light provided is adorable. Nobody wants poor sound quality, and if your children get their ankles wet visiting Venice, tell ’em to quit whining. 20 years of wasted electricity maybe could power a small third world village but so what? They likely hate us anyway. Turn it on, leave it on, it doesn’t matter.