New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE

Wow!!..Looks like John hit another home run at Bel Canto with the just released REF 600M using NCORE amplifiers. 300 watts into 8ohms. $4500.00 a pair. The REF 1000M is out of production. I have a feeling this is Bel Canto's best amp ever below the Bel Canto Black. Look forward to Guido checking it out.
We have a demo pair in now and are just starting to put some hours on them, but already, these are quite a step up from their previous generation of amplifiers. They're detailed yet incredibly smooth with plenty of power, control and authority on the bottom end. There's a richness and naturalness to the presentation. Nothing remotely hard or fatiguing on the top end without sounding rolled off either. Very impressive so far driven by a Bel Canto DAC3.7.
Hi, has anyone compared the REF600m with JC1’s? I am considering moving to the REF600m from my JC1’s. I am wondering if it would be a step up in SQ or about the same? If its either a step up or comparable then I will be making the switch. I love my JC1’s but they displace too much heat and I live in Arizona where our summers are HOT! I have owned the REF1000m and REF500m and I loved both these amps. I have tried W4S SX-1000 which I liked too. I didn’t have the best luck with D-Sonic M3-1500m. The M3-1500m sounded way too bright and cold with my setup. I currently own Salk Soundscape 8’s and have tried the amps mentioned with the Salks and also with my Dynaudio C4’s. Bel Canto comes closet to Class A/B sound that I experienced. A nice warm neutral sound with good tight bass is what I have experienced with Bel Canto’s.
I haven't heard the REF600M myself, but all accounts I've read from those that have claim that they are a significant step forward from the previous BC models. The company felt so strongly about it to discontinue the more costly REF1000M since their newer REF600M outperformed it. That's quite a statement of belief in the newer product. Of course you'd be best off auditioning them in your system if possible, but it seems a pretty safe bet that if you liked their older series you should love the 600Ms.
Thanks for posting the link to the Soundstage HiFi review of the Ref 600m. I find the reviewer Roger Kanno's following statement a bit curious:

"And as good as the REF600M was, it couldn’t equal the sound quality of the more expensive and more powerful Anthem Statement M1."  

I know that is quote mining and Mr. Kanno DID enjoy the 600m, but I find it curious because Kalman Rubinson of Stereophile reviewed the Anthem and ultimately concluded, "... in its present state I cannot recommend the M1. It imposed a tonal signature on the sound that was simply not neutral. Many successful audio products fail to meet this criterion, and some are perhaps designed to do so, but I don't believe that this was Anthem's goal."

I actually think that might be one of the harshest conclusions I've ever read in Stereophile. Take all of this with a grain of salt and throw in a dollop of "whatever floats your boat". I just find it interesting. For me, Stereophile is my most trusted resource outside of simply listening myself. I'm still riding the Ref 600m hype train and looking forward to auditioning soon.