If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.

If money was no concern i'd buy these speakers........

If money was of concern the best speaker for my dollar would be...... 
 I recently visited a magnolia design center where they had big mono block Mcintosh amps pushing 800 diamonds. It was musical bliss!  
I recently visited a magnolia design center where they had big mono block Mcintosh amps pushing 800 diamonds. It was musical bliss!

Did the salespeople know how to operate it or did you have to show them?

The speaker I would buy for myself if I had the bucks would be

Muraudio PX1 Omnidirectional Electrostatic Hybrid Loudspeaker

at $63,000.00  the pair.   Oh,  how I wish to own these.
Money no concern: I’d probably second the choice of Living Voice’s Vox Olympian & Elysian, given the listening room can accommodate them properly - which hopefully wouldn’t be an issue with monetary carte blanche. Battery-driven amps and source, of course.

Money a concern/practical consideration: what I got now - Simon Mears Audio Uccello. Only "tweak" I’d consider here would be, sometime in the future, adding a horn sub (LAB’s or otherwise). That, to me, would be the budget version of above, and as is (i.e.: without sub) is richly rewarding already.

Financially out-of-reach as is, the "in-between" alternative of interest: Sadurni Acoustic's Staccato.
  Focal Grande Utopia EM's if money was no concern.
  Since money is a concern, I've owned Focal 836v for 5 years now.   Love the mids and highs.    Now that I'm totally out of debt, I am perusing some new stuff, but don't see much stomping these, unless I spend $5k or more.   I am considering the electra range, but hard to find demos.