Which CD\SACD?


Looking for a 2nd hand CD\SACD player.
Seeking for high levels of inner resolution, rich sound, and musicality.

Budget is up to $2,500.

Any help and information would be greatly appreciated. 


I said I wouldn't have another CD player, sold my McIntosh MCD500 on Audiogon, as I've been using a media server...but the server hard drive packed it up, is back at the factory being re-imaged or replaced, so I thought...since I have an external DAC I'm really happy with, why not snag a transport, just bought a PS Audio PWT.  I have their P10 Power Plant and DirectStream DAC, happy with both of those as well.

As I've gotten deeper into digital, I think the best way to go is with an external DAC.
When I transitioned to having hi-res digital files on a music server I sold my former SACD player.  I still buy CDs, record them in iTunes as 44.1/16 AIFF files, transfer them to the server, which outputs them to my external DAC via the coax connection.

Long-story-short, the hard drive on my music server became corrupted, had to be returned to the manufacturer to be re-imaged, and one of my audio buddies got me interested in a CD transport, which I snagged last week on Audiogon.
The combination of this high-end transport & high-end external DAC produces the best level of detail I've ever experienced!  Better than the 192/23 AIFF files thru the USB port on my laptop, or the coax port on the music server!

Bass is distinctively more defined, the sound stage is markedly improved, and the highs are much better (you can actually feel the timbre from cymbals vibrating!)

I'm thinking, over time, DACs will continue to improve and become more cost-effective, so I think it might be wise to consider a transport/DAC combination, instead of a CD player with a built in DAC.