Preamp recommendation please..


I'm looking to buy a 2nd hand preamp, to match my Krell Evo 302e amp.
Speakers are Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grand.
I like setups based on tube preamps and SS amps, but this is not a must.
Most important for me: Transparency, Musicality & Drive. Smooth sound, not thin or clinical.
Fully balanced models are preferred.
Budget is around $3k.
Any help and information would be greatly appreciated.


dsper, if you want to take the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium preamp to the next level,consider a pair of the NOS Philips 5R4GYS Rectifier Tubes. I use them and can’t recommend them highly enough... Just awesome.

Hi aolmrd,

I have a pair that were in my old Prima Luna preamp so you are right that I should try them..

How would say that they change the sound?


Dsper,hello again.

Here is my post from another recent PL thread...Mark

"Just installed two of the Phillips 5R4GYS rectifier tubes into my PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium preamp. With only a few hours of break in time.. I would consider these a must have tube for this preamp. Right off the bat, the increase in sound quality is huge. The impression of a more natural tone to instruments and voice is just plain awesome. The emotion and feel across the board is something to behold. And all this from a brand new,unused...non broken in pair. WOW!

The music now has meat on the bones and a true quiet elegance to the sound that was hugely lacking with the stock PL 5AR4 version. The review from Positive Feedback is spot on and true to this NOS tubes virtues... If you can...get a pair ASAP,before they are g-o-n-e. I am very happy I took the plunge. Hearing is believing. "

Solid State: for about half that money, you can get a Bel Canto Pre3... Nice, neutral preamp,  good dynamics too. You might lay your hands on a Coda 05 or 07X at that price. 
Buy brand new wth warranty. If you want something approaching a live music experience, Vincent SA-T8. Fully balanced, tubes, under your budget. Comes closer to a live musical experience than some higher priced, highly regarded pres i've heard. Dynamic, transparent, deep and wide soundstage and very musical.