record show experiences

I went go a record show yesterday.  Lot of junk.  Took a couple of records to trade or get cash for them.  They together were worth at least 150.00.   Guy offered me 20.  They are mint.  He even said he would put one of them in his private collection.  Lol.  There was a lot of junk.  Frustrating.  Are their any good record shows in the northeast USA?  Is it this way at all record shows?
Paraneer- you've captured it, I think. The attendees are pretty colorful. I've never gone to a comic book convention or a hacker get together, but I'll bet the vibe/character of attendees is similar. I've met some pretty interesting people in the process of buying records, more often by phone, email and Internet than shows, but I've scored occasionally at shows.
(I think the real high value gems - that meet both #2 and #3  of your list typically wind up on the Internet; like wine, the stuff that fetches a price is often auctioned). 

I recently came to the conclusion that if one is more focused on the cleanliness of their records than on their personal hygiene, they are truly obsessed. Thank goodness the new social standards permit wearing pajamas as streetwear. I'm not being critical; I've actually adopted the style myself. 
it also depends on vendor to vendor. one vendor i've seen had junk stuff such as harry bellafonte, louis prima priced to $30 each and looking beat in and out LOL.
Oh I was not looking for book value.  They were mint.  I doubt he will ever see a copy of either records I brought in even close to the condition these were in. Ever.
I see many good records on the internet.  What I was really looking for was some kind of trade.  I just have a hard time trusting when I cannot see the record.
There is a 4th type. These are the guys who are looking for records to listen to, but aren't too particular about what condition that Pantera record is in. They suck my fitty-cent bin dry!

At my last show in Cleveland, there was a guy making the rounds looking for Enoch Light and His Orchestra! Uhhhhhhh.....yeah.......right over here with my Ferrante & Teicher! Another guy wanted Al Martino. Funny thing is, I had a couple at the house. Haven't a clue where they came from!