When a speaker offers upgrades (e.g. Tekton)


I'm looking to purchase some Tekton PenDragons.

Well just when I thought I'd ended my search I see they offer a number of upgrades:

  • ClarityCap PX upgrade ($50-$65)
  • Mundorf Silver-Oil Capacitor ($365-$440)
  • Cardas silver rhodium binding posts – $75 pair
  • Silver coated copper teflon internal wiring – $100 pair

Look, I've no idea what these things are. I'm sure they're supposed to make the speaker "sound better", but would I hear a difference? Has anyone experience with these (kinds of things)? Do you hear a difference?

If you speak to the designer he will only advise you on what to get based on how you listen. He does not try to oversell you.
The alluring quest for perfection is always dangling in front of us audiophiles.  I would speak to the manufacturer and let him describe the differences...see if your dealer has a "new" one that you can hear and decide if the upgrade is worth it.  Sometimes the difference is small and room resonances, equipment, etc, would swamp the upgraded sound.

we can never go wrong w/ upgraded parts in both gear and speakers.
I recently scored a sweet pair of Thiel CS 2.4 SE loudspeakers.
In the SE version, there are several parts as above in the OP post.
Overall, an excellent speaker is now outstanding! Happy Listening