Maggie versus Magico

Heard latest Magico speakers recently on a very high end tube-based dealer set-up. The system delivered a sound that was very "Maggie" like to my ears, with the small box/dynamic design Magico minis on stands, perhaps as much or even more so than any other similar box/monitor design speaks I have heard recently.

So I was wondering if anybody has actually done a/b comparisons between MAgico and Maggies and would share their observations?

Are the Magicos worth the extra investment? I would expect that they may be easier to place properly in most rooms, so if you must have the Maggie sound in a room with more limited placement options, maybe Magico is the way to go, if you can afford them?

I have a small pair of Triangle Titus monitors that when acquired convinced me that box monitor designs can be as smooth, clean, accurate and transparent as Maggies on my rather moderate cost system. These cost a pittance compared to the Magicos. Is it technically even valid to compare a pair of Triangle Titus or Cometes that can be acquired for <$1000 to a much more expensive design such as the Magicos?
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Exactly, the Masgico S5's compared with the new B&W 802 Diamonds and Magnepan 3.7's were eye opening.  I have never heard an openess appear in an enclosed speaker until yesterday.  They are a Magnepan in a sealed extruded aluminum case.  Amazing!!!!!
These speakers do not belong in a small room, whatever brand you decide to purchase.  I did not like the 4000.00 paint cost if you wanted a color/finish option; this was my only disappointment in Magico..  
Going back in 2 weeks to test all 3 side by side same conditions.
Magico Mini II - "Midgets suspended in air"

All Magicos are way overpriced IMO.

6 foot Maggies - Hard to "dial in" to optimal room position.
Once "dialed in" - full size, 3D image, sonic bliss - They are in the room!

Most common problems: room wrong shape, and too large. I like big speakers, fairly small room, sit 10 feet away.

I have owned the 6 footers (MG IIa, IIIa, and 3.6) in 8 different rooms, and listened almost every day, since 1976, with no regrets ever! I do not like the 3.7i, they squashed the xover into the speaker, and reduced the low bass.
The 5 foot long Magnepan ribbon tweeter will "eat for breakfast" any Magico tweeter in terms of sonic purity in the high frequencies! Period!
Magico or not, the comparison of a smallish (i.e. 2-way) floor standing speaker or bookshelf to a full panel speaker is stretched (pardon the pun), imo. These do not sound remotely similar, except for the potential for both to have extreme cleanness. In so many respects they are dissimilar that I would consider it a fruitless pursuit to attempt to recreate what the panel does by using a dynamic speaker, or vice versa. As an owner of both types of speakers neither has a lock on the attributes the other possesses. Both can bring stunning "openness" and a very distinctly clean sound, but that's about it as far as being able to mimic the other.