Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Good Day robinbarbour-

I am a big fan of CJ gear as well.  Did you check out the MET-1 ?

This is CJ's attempt at surround sound- 5.1 to be exact. Yes, I have read excellent comments on  Cary Cinema.  Personally, I am a "stereo" guy, 2-channel only.  Once one steps outside of this and goes into a more complicated configuration, 5.1 or 7.1, much thought/planning must be sorted out. I have auditioned both good and poor HT set-ups over the years.  In a 5-channel system, it all starts with the room or listening space.

I stopped by the store yesterday and will be picking it up Thursday.  Aaaaargh!  Great folks at Audio Den here in Lake Grove but thankfully they really take care of me.   I also checked out a pair of Maggie 1.7i's just for the hell of it.  (I like Maggie's, too)  Oddly I preferred the smaller and less expensive .7's.  The owner said he had a pair of used Thiels downstairs and when I pick up the BAT I'm going to ask which models they are...of course!   I almost had a pair of CS3.6 from this site but offered $1100...I think they went for $1200..

Good to read- oblgny

which Thiel speakers do you own? What other gear is in your system (including cabling)?  Happy Listening!

Nice of you to give a shout-out to your local dealer/retailer "Audio Den"

oblgny. Consider yourself fortunate to have a local dealer/retailer.

So jafant, as apparent resident Thiel expert, can you give me a suggestion as to what smaller satellite or ON wall speakers tonally match the Thiel sound? I have nowhere to install Thiels in walls for my surrounds, and unfortunately need on-walls. SHort of building boxes for another pair of Power Plane 1.2's, not sure what else would match.

ALSO - an FYI to all Thiel owners - I spoke to Rob Gillum of Thiel today who sold me 2 replacement grilles for the beat up ones I received from the prior owner... He runs service for all legacy products in Kentucky. Really nice guy, look him up if you need anything. Former operations manager when the factory was still located in Kentucky. Appears to know his stuff.

Anyway, suggestions as to tonally matching satellites or on-walls would be much appreciated

- Dan