Axpona 2016

Went to Axpona today and of all the rooms the VAC room using Von Schweikert speakers had a special sound.
This show was my first exposure to Vapor Audio, that was the only room where I inadvertently slipped out of critical listening mode and just enjoyed the track. 

The Enigmacoustics room was interesting. The Questyle wireless technology looks promising, +1 to them for using Ozone Percussion Group as a demo track. 

I agree with lalitk, in all but one of the rooms that advertised a music server as equipment, they were all using vinyl to demo. Might be a trend, might have just been timing of how we hit the rooms. 

Two personal take take aways from this show; one, even allowing for room difficulties it seems it's not easy to get the higher highs and the lower lows right. Many rooms were either harsh or muddy. Two, I didn't leave with the desire to dump everything and upgrade. My system is low-mid fi and the result of much trial and error. I know it's not perfect, but I know it inside and out and the paths to improve it, and I enjoy it! So maybe I'm deaf (possible), or maybe by Sunday all the sales guys had run out of steam. 
There were a couple rigs this year at AXPONA '16 I thought the best I had ever heard at a show. But, then I returned home and thought, "Phhht! Those rigs were BAD! My home system is MUCH better!"  ;) 

Very good reports guys- wished I could have attended.
I have been wanting to demo a Wells Audio amp.