Help with system/ARC noise

Hi there!
Im new to this hobby and started to build my sytem. Currently i have an audio research ref5se preamp/ARC DS450 amp/B&W804D.  I hooked my oppo 105 to play CD and audio streaming using pandora. The problem is I'm getting noise and sometimes a loud pop of noise. I'm using audioquest yukon entry level xlr interconnects. All units are connected in individual wall ac. I called ARC and they said ARC ref5se and DS450 amp are compatible and should have no impedance issue and they already paired it before. I already isolated signal cables from power cables. My next step is to get a power distribution/conditioner and see if this will solve the problem. To old timers in this hobby:
1. Did you encounter similar problems and how did you guys solve it?
2. Any experience/suggestion on power conditioner to match with ARC with good result?
3. When hooking digital players like oppo or any cd player do you need to have a DAC unit even if the player has a built in DAC?

Any input is highly appreciated.

Glad to hear that everything worked out.  How does your system sound now?  Does the power conditioner improve the sound?  Enjoy!
Tomcy, after resolving the issue i decided to separate my 2 channel system from my hometheater in which im running it with my oppo 105D. I recently added an EAT C Sharp turntable so i'm only using my 2 channel system purely for vinyl and when i want to listen to digital i go back to my oppo/HT and switch it to 2 channel. I am so happy with the sound of my system now. Its my first time to vinyl and all i can say is wow! The clarity and separation of vocals, instruments and transition of drums is so transparent and way way far than when i'm listinning to cd's or losless audio streaming using my oppo. I dont know if the power conditioner help or its because of the equipment but all i can say is i am enjoying my music. The only downside is i have to flip records every 20 min. 


Glad you got your system sounding great. I have an LS-17  and DS-450 with a Sony 5400ES and it sounds incredible. I can only imagine what a spanking your ref5se would give my LS-17. What cables are you running?

The new synergistic research uef black power cables and fuses have really raised the bar for my equipment. The take all the fine attributes of your system and make them shine.

 The DS-450 took a LOOOOONG time to come around.  I honestly  thought it was nothing special for the first month I owned it and felt it was flat sounding. It sounded like it had no air and only had good bass. Only  After about 2 months it began to sing sweet music, and my fears melted away. I concur about the imaging and separation. The DS 450 is an underrated amp imho. They are excellent amps.

 I also use a furutech gtxd r with the matching plate and cover. Interconnects are morrow ma-5. Feeding my Maggie 1.6, it's an entry level system that sounds waaaaay more expensive than it has any right to. Transparency in spades. I too would have sleepless nights if I had been in your situation. Glad you figured it out. 
Being new in this hobby, at first,  i thought everything is just plug and play. It was a great learning process for me and i'm glad i reached out to our friends here in a'gon.

I agree with you on the DS450. The break-in process is so long and at first I thought my speakers is really a bad match for the amp or either speaker/amp is garbage until i accumulated 600+hours. I'm still using the stock power cords and mid entry level audioquest interconnects and speaker cables. I also would like to upgrade my wires in the future but for now i would like to familiarize myself with what i have. Tomcy6 is right - i guess im too much in a hurry to make my system sound great.

i'm happy to hear about your good experience with the DS450 (yehey...i made a good choice lol!).

panda glad to hear things worked out and regarding plug n play, to paraphrase the late Harry Pearson, if it works right the first time it's not high end audio. Happy listening!