Basis 1400 TT...

Hello all - I have owned my table for the past 15 years and need a new tonearm to replace the rb250. Trying to get some ideas of other arms that would fit. Regards.
All Rega single pillar arms are drop in replacements, along with Michell arms. The best choice would be a Basis Vector arm. There are others using the Rega platform that would also work. The difference between the Vector and another Rega is stunning in the best possible way. I replaced my Rega arm in a Basis 2000 with a Vector and it was a huge improvement.
Thank your response. I guess I should have mentioned a budget. The Vector is a great piece but a little more than I wanted to spend. I was looking under 1k in the used market. So the Michell arms would be a direct fit? .
Michell should be if they are the single pillar. The Graham Robin should also work and Origin Live. I bought a NOS Vector 3 a few years ago for about $1,300, so if you can stretch your budget a little and watch used ads you might be able to get a Vector close to your budget. It would be worth the extra time and money if you can find one.
I would replace the inner wire from the Rega. It is a cheap mod and the result is stunning. The standard cable is cheap and far away from something serious.
Audiomods arms are fantastic and in your budget.  These are completely reworked Rega arms, so straight drop in on your table.

Excellent reviews.  I have (2) of them and they are indeed terrific!