Basis 1400 TT...

Hello all - I have owned my table for the past 15 years and need a new tonearm to replace the rb250. Trying to get some ideas of other arms that would fit. Regards.
Audiomods arms are fantastic and in your budget.  These are completely reworked Rega arms, so straight drop in on your table.

Excellent reviews.  I have (2) of them and they are indeed terrific!

+1 on the Audiomods Arm. Actually, the only part of the arm that is a completely reworked Rega is the arm tube itself. Jeff sources the latest version of the 1-piece cast tube from Rega, then strips off the paint and finishes the arm in either chrome or matte silver. He then installs interior stiffeners and drills anti-resonance holes in the tube. Every other part of the Audiomods Arm---every other part---is hand machined by Jeff, and are of his own design, having absolutely nothing to do with Rega. That the Audiomods Arm is a reworked Rega is a common misconception. There are lots of those around, but the Audiomods is not one of them.

Jeff machines the bearing housing and installs ceramic ball bearings, far superior to the common-grade steel bearings in Regas. Every single other part is also of Jeff's design and machining, and are superb. The yoke, the main pillar, the mount housing, the anti-skate, the counterweight (an amazing piece of engineering by itself!)---all of it, hand machined by Jeff. He even offers a micrometer for fine VTA/SRA adjustments on-the-fly.

The arm is offered at several different levels, even as a DIY kit. The best arm value currently available imo. A far better arm the popular Jelco's.

I am very interested in researching the Audiomods Arm. Thanks for taking the time to post. Regards.
Audiomods and the Tecnoarm are the,way to go. I have both and they both sound very good. Is one better than the other? That's hard to say. Although the audiomods with the micrometer is a great added feature.