I have observed (heard and then tested so as to confirm) the following “condition” as it relates to the widely debated issue of FLAC quality. The purpose of this topic is to gather opinions as to whether or not your observations are similar too – and therefore support – my own.

It is widely understood and accepted that a FLAC file while “compressed” is “lossless” as compared to its corresponding WAV file. Let’s assume (i.e. not debate) this is completely true. What I am noticing is that when the FLAC file is “played” via any FLAC player it sounds different from the sound of the “same” (equivalent decompressed FLAC) WAV file when played back via the same player that was used to play the FLAC file. This is specifically noticeable (to me) in the low frequency spectrum. The WAV has considerably more “sonic energy” that manifests itself as appearing to be a bit louder, wider in frequency range and perhaps even dynamic range as compared to the FLAC equivalent.

I’m curious as to your findings when you compare a FLAC file played natively as compared to the WAV equivalent played via the same player (for example, play both the FLAC and WAV via VLC media player) or practical equivalent, such as if the FLAC was burned to CD and you are comparing the FLAC played via VLC and the CD played via a CD player.

I am further assuming that the WAV file is a more accurate representation of the audio than the FLAC. This is to say that should you agree with the aforementioned, it would be preferable to play the WAV file or decompress the FLAC file before using it.

You can do a binary compare of your two files using, for example,  the Windows fc command at the command prompt.

fc/b  file1 file2

There are other compare options, but this is a place to start if you want to go into the differences in your files in more detail.
There is no difference between flac and wav. If there is, then you need a better DAC.
thanks dtc. your response makes sense. perhaps at some point I may attempt to inspect the binary but I'm good for now. curious though as you indicate it can be a result of the way the program writes the data (padding zeros, etc.), do you observe any byte difference? 
I went through this exercise a few years ago and did notice byte differences. But when I did binary compares there was no difference. That is why I think you are just seeing padding differences.  At one point I looked at the files with a binary editor and that also convinced me that the files were the same, other than padding.

There were some "interesting" articles in Absolute Sound a while ago where 2 guys went back and forth between wav and flac multiple times and convinced themselves that the sound degraded the more times they did the conversions. It was a very controversial set of articles and, in the end, most people dismissed their "research", but  there are still people who seem to believe that even though the conversions are bit perfect  they can  change the sound. I've given up worrying about it
Thank you so much dtc for the confirmation as to the byte size question. You've convinced me and saved me some time in wanting to do the file binary compare. No need if you too have noticed a small difference.