Budget AV Receiver with Magnepan

I'm looking to build a 5 channel home theater/music system using Magnepan MMG-W's and CC2 (or possibly MC1's for FR and FL) with a Monitor Audio sub. Now I'm looking at inexpensive used high end AV receivers to tie it all together:

Rotel - 1055 75x5

NAD - T744 (can be had refurbished with warranty) 5x50W, not sure if this is enough to drive the Magnepans?

NAD - T754, a bit more power, can be had with warranty

B&K AVR 202 - 105 x 5, I've heard one of these and liked it, it's a bit older than the rest

Cambridge Audio 540R - 80 x 6, nice looking unit but haven't heard much about them compared to NAD/Rotel/B&K

And advice/experience on any of these would be greatly appreciated. I'm happy with 5 channel DTS, don't need HDMI (although would be nice), want something that can drive the small Maggies without struggling (don't need ground shaking volume here), and I want something that sounds *good*. I'm coming from a small Denon 75w x 5 Dobly Digital surround receiver (driving Monitor Audio Silver 5i's). I know seperates are better, but I'm trying to keep the wife happy ($$$). Thanks!

Aren't some of these high end receivers (Rotel and B&K particularly) supposed to be more of a merged pre-amp amp combo and less your typically compromised receiver?

I want to go with the mini-Magnepans, so that's that. I *am* unfortunately severely budget limited, $500 or maaybe stretch to $800. So I'll always be compromised in some way.

As far as seperates here's a challenge- can anyone conceive of a pre-pro/amp seperate combo that could be in that budget used? Old B&K maybe? Requirements are 5 channel, at least Dolby Digital or DTS, and I would like at least component video switching if possible. Oh and it has to sound divine :)
I have an NAD T742 and I'm not sure the T754 you are looking into would hold up to the task.

I helped a friend setup an all MMGW and MMGC driven by a Marantz 8001. I was very impressed! The Audessy room correction made a huge difference and sounds as warm and transparent as the NAD but more dynamic. Plus, it has more bells and whistles than the NAD. I now use my NAD only as processor. I orginally had it driving the center and rears, but the NAD ran out of steam for the center even when not driving the rears. Got an Adcom 2545 for a cheap price and it did the job. My wife was happy with the sound and the price I paid.

I'm thinking of borrowing my friends Marantz to see how it holds up to my NAD/Adcom setup. If you're interested in the Marantz there is an authorized online dealer that sells the refurbs for a good price. That is where my friend bought it.
I've tried Denon, Yamaha and Marantz. I like the Marantz the best by far. Pick up a used one off Ebay any model SR-8000 or above is my recommendation.
At the amount you want to spend I'd stay with the Denon. Not my favorite receiver but good none-the-less. That 70w x 5 rating is probably at 8 ohms. The Maggies are quite resistive for a speaker...which is a good thing. At they're 4 or 5 ohm rating your Denon will easily average over 100w to 140w with no problem. I have a Marantz surround and use the internal amps for the back MG 10.1QR's and my center ch. Roger Ls3/5a's. [neither made anymore, unfortunately] and the Marantz does well, rated at about what the Denon is. Marantz has a slightly better power supply. Also, if you use a sub, you can set the speakers to 'small' in the processor program and that cuts out the bottom 80 or 100 hz to any pair are all pairs of speakers and sends that info to the sub.
If ya just gotta buy something new, price vs. power, I'd recommend either the NAD mentioned above or a Marantz. After that the Rotel and then the Yamaha. Many others to name.
p.s. I sold a set of Little MG.5's to a couple once [in the 80's, selling mid & hi-end ]. They really liked the clean sound but then they brought their Yamaha in to hear it hooked up before buying. Big disappointment! It just had no bottom, no meat, no life. So...they bought a Marantz & we were all happy again.
By the way. Sound may double every three db. but it takes 10db for the ear to perceive a doubling of sound. It's just the mother nature made us.
I did some searching online, and found that the Denon AVR-1700 has preouts for the front speakers. You might consider putting your money instead into a budget multichannel amp such as an Adcom, Emotiva, or Outlaw. Then hook up the preouts of your current receiver to the outboard amp to let it power the main L/R and center speaker and let the receiver take care of the surrounds. If you desire an upgrade further on down the road, upgrade to a HT receiver that has full 5.1 or 7.1 preouts and run all speakers off the multichannel amp.

I used to have an NAD T760 driving some PSB speakers, and it sounded just OK. When I added an outboard amp (Sherbourn 5/1500A), though, the performance up easily a couple full notches.
