What's the most overrated or overpriced piece of equipment you own, have owned or come by?

This hobby of ours is extremely rewarding, but can also be very expensive. I don't mind paying the big bucks (if I can afford it) for better sound. But many companies out there take advantage of us poor bastards and sell us snake oil equipment at exorbitant prices. Well...This is your chance to share with other Audiogonners.

This is your chance to GET EVEN :-)
2 Wavelength Audio USB DACs, the Brick and the Cosecant models. I owned pre-async versions so I don't know if the async versions represented a major improvement.
I have Aesthetix Callisto Eclipse with dual PS and remote control, total retail is USD 24K. I have never regretted purchasing it. :)
Unlike a lot of you I have wasted a great deal of money on very poor audio equipment over the years. The worst was an absolutely divine-sounding tube amp by a company called "Melos" that (in my opinion) richly, richly deserves to be where it is today...out of business.

I bought the amp new in the early '90s and it was the second most expensive component I had ever bought at the time, at $2,400. I owned it for several years during which time it was serviced three times, the longest period of downtime lasting a number of months. Along the way, it functioned for a grand total, cumulatively, of less than 20 hours.

Shipping back to the manufacturer (second repair attempt) had to be done by truck rate because it was such a large, heavy box, and after great expense and a very long wait, the amp worked for six hours before blowing up again.

I finally got so frustrated with it that I boxed it up, put it in the closet, and forgot about it. Life is too short to suffer such frustration...it's bad for your health.

Finally I traded it in to Holm Audio in Chicagoland, a dealer which is still in business as far as I know. I was brutally honest with them about my problems with it, but they were unconcerned with my stories, stating that they had an expert technician who could fix anything and make anything work. They gave me trade-in value of $750 for it, making my cost of ownership for the amp $82.50 per hour of use!

Months later, I was in Holm Audio again, and the owner, whose name I think was Mike, heard I was there and came downstairs just to tell me in astonishment what horrible experiences they'd had with the amp. Apparently they had sold it several times and it had come back to them each time. I just shrugged and reminded him that I hadn't hidden anything from them--I'd told them all about it. The salesman reminded the owner that this was true.

I used the trade-in money to buy a pair of Tannoy Mercury floorstanders, which, conveniently, cost $750 at the time. They were wonderful speakers (very tube-friendly, which is why Holm carried them--it's a tube-oriented audio store) and served me very well for more than 15 years with many different amps. They never gave me a moment of trouble and, since I worked at home for much of that time, I put thousands and thousands of hours on them over the years.

So maybe I did get my $2,400 worth in the end...by a very roundabout means.  :-)


P.S. My tube amp now is a beautiful Dynaco Stereo 70 replica (i.e., entirely built of new parts, not a restoration) called the ST-70, built by Bob Latino of tubes4hifi-dot-com. They're sold as kits or fully assembled...mine cost $1,150 and Bob built it for me in a weekend. I can't speak highly enough of the amp or of Bob's helpfulness and customer service, which is absolutely top class. The only problem with the amp is finding speakers for it, as most speakers need more power these days.
1- Classe: 350 wpc x2 amp. 2- Classe 150 wpc x 6/ 300 wpc x3 amp. 3,4- Their matching preamps. I am not saying they were bad, by any means, but they are way over designed, grossly expensive to repair, and do not sound overall better than my Audire equipmet. Luckily they were inherited. 
     For the same or less money, you can do better, and I have owned B&W speakers since 1976, upgrading as deals arise. Since B&W owns Classe, one might think they could do better. Of course my B&Ws were originally overpriced, too, at $3000 in 1998, with 6" woofers.
5- Magnapan MG III ("III", I think).
6- Phase Linear preamps.Lived with 'em; didn't own.

That's easy!!

  Me X wife. She was full IM distortion!

                    Here tubes were always out of bias!

                    Her capacitors were of the wrong values!

                   I put her in Audiogon for sale!

                   All inquires wanted money guarantee! Before giving there PAYPAL#

Lesson learned. Always do your home work before adding

                           new gear. Lest you get-it in the REAR!!
