In Memoriam: Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music

I just read this terrible news about the death of Bobby Palkovich of Merlin Music Systems. He was a great guy and this is very, very sad. Rest in peace, Bobby.
@ihmeyers Well, floorstanding speakers of any kind are going to be a PITA to fix if you have to ship them off but I understand what you're saying.  I'm from your generation and I also agree about Gen X.  My daughter is a music therapist, plays the piano, guitar, ukulele, and harp but most of her music listening is done on youtube.  Go figure.

I found that old listing that you mentioned and it may very well be true but I would get it straight from Rich first.  That said, since I already own a set of VSM-MXe's, I haven't really been in the market.  However, I would love to add a set of TSMs and would have no hesitation in buying on the second hand market.  Dick

I think Rich posted that he planned to offer Merlin upgrades.  This would be a good thing and a fitting legacy, as Bobby had been refreshing the older models in this manner for many years--  perhaps too long for the good of his company.

You should have no problem with purchasing a used pair.  I believe the OEM drivers are still available, and BBAM is a simple device.  It has just one active component to replace(an AD744 op amp) outside of the power supply. Also, in the used marketplace Merlins are inexpensive and have very little depreciation left to be concerned about.


Yes, I will be offering upgrades... while I am up to speed and can do all Merlin BAM related work (I built/upgraded/repaired BAMs for Merlin from around 2013 on) and things like Master RCs, jumpers - I'm not doing Black Magic upgrades yet.... I had hoped to be, but this past year I have just been up to my eyeballs with other work (service and upgrade work on Joule Electra and Ars Sonum gear - the latter of which I now am the USA dealer/distributor for), consignment sale work (many boomers who are aging are changing up their systems as they move, retires etc - some of the gear like the Joule stuff needs a little fixing/testing/TLC to make sure its 100% before going up for sale too which takes time), and then there is all the minutiae of being a 1 man show running his own full time retail HiFi business!

Anyway, this all my way of saying to the folks looking to do Black Magic upgrades on TSMs and VSMs to PLEASE hang in there... I am getting closer to getting that going. Things like getting a customers amp repaired, or BAM fixed, consignment piece prepped for sale etc however take priority right now. I have spent several thousand on parts, drivers, test equipment, etc during the past 6 months so I can do the upgrade work and make sure it is done to Bobby's standards/specs. I have pretty much everything I need here to service Merlin TSM and VSM speakers. Now if speaker gets dropped and a cabinet gets busted, I can't fix that and there are no spares for something as disastrous as that happening to a speaker (I am not a cabinet maker / wood worker - Just a EE).

BTW, there are no more new Merlins to be had... at then end when Bobby passed there where NO completed (or even partially completed) pairs of speakers at the plant.  The state the company has left in (it was Bobby alone too at the end) was very sad to see.

Rich Brkich
Signature Sound
For all Merlin owners, fans...

I have just started a group on Facebook for folks who own or have enjoyed in the past Merlin speakers. The URL is or just search for Merlin Music Systems Speakers Owners/Fans group. Hopefully I set it up right so that people can click or message me their request to join the group.  I will be postings pics and various info  and it can also be a place for VSM and TSM honors to share their merlin systems or questions. 

Rich Brkich
Horrible news.  Bobby and I go way back.  I have had many of his speakers over the years.  He always referred to me as the Krell Cowboy because of my knack for blowing speakers.  May he rest in peace.

merrill P