Best Pre-amp for $500??

What kind of fidelity can I get for $500?  I also need a remote and a couple of digital inputs (so need a good DAC) and a few analog inputs?

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I am not interested in a phono stage.  DAC is a must or I don't buy one and keep using my outboard DAC

A Parasound Halo with DAC is $1,100.

Anything in the $700 range?
OP you haven't mentioned your power source or speakers for that matter. The more you give the more you help you can usually get.  

I parenthasisized phono not in attempt to push interest rather my point being they aren't under achievers and hold there own against some of the shiny therefore pricier preamps.    
Not sure what the rest of your system is so I'll throw a dart with my bad eye on this one. Guessing your system is totally digital as you expressed no need for a phono stage. Finding something for $5-700 is tuff so here's what I'd do; find a used Cambridge 851C. It has a great preamp, killer DAC and sounds great going directly into an amp and it has a nice remote. I've listened to the entry Parasound Halo preamp and it doesn't get close to the preamp or DAC of the 851C. If you're amp has balanced inputs the 851C has balanced out too. As a CDP it is as good as you're going to get without selling the farm and if you're using you're computer or media server it's built for that too; all kinds of digital inputs. You're going to have to increase your budget a little but you'll be happy. It's built very well too if that matters.
Cambridge 851D might be something to look at if you don't spin CDs or have another player you want to keep. I've not heard the 851D, but would think its for the most part an 851C without the transport.