HDMI to DVI Cable

If I use a cable with a DVI head at one end and HDMI at the other end, would this cancel out the benefits/advantages of both formats? The cable would be connecting the HDMI output of the DVD player and DVI input of the display projector.

Any advice from knowledgable folks would be much appreciated.
Thanks for all responses.

Snofun3, is the quality of HDMI's audio signal higher than the standard coaxial digital output? I am well aware that technology of high-resolution displays is moving in such a rapid pace. My display projector bought new 3 years back is now an obsolete piece without any HDMI input, and not to mention that I have not changed the bulbs yet even until today, and now there's HDMI1.3? Oh jeez.
I have the older Mits. 65' crt. It has the dvi input. Back when I had Voom Sat. service; with its dvi-out--I bought the necessary dvi cable and tried it.--No performance improvement was noted. (vs component)Now I have the SA 8300hd cable box. This box has the hdmi-out. I bought the hdmi to dvi adaptor. Again no improvement was noted.---So, I understand my situation.--My tv isn't pure digital so component works the same or better.
On my Sony Ruby,which is 1080p, hdmi works better.---With one exception. On standard dvds, my Arcam fmj27 has a better picture on component---than my Toshiba X1A;using hdmi.---Of course this is more about the dvd player being used than what cable form is being used.---So, component can be better; depending--.
The HDMI audio output is often better than the standard coax output, depending on your processor. A realy high-end processor will be getting the best and most original digital information from your DVD and HDMI is the direction most of the letest releases are going.

If you have not invested in a high end processor then just stick with your DVI and coax, which for the time being is what I am doing.
On another level, the HDMI is more convenient to fish behind walls in retrofit installations.

As other posters noted, not all gear demonstrates better picture on HDMI/DVI out. The Bell 9200 HD PVR for example has a known glitch with it's HDMI that multiple firmware updates have yet to fix.

If you have a really nice display, comprehensive callibration plus an aftermarket signal processor will give you a big boost.
Will work perfectly........I've read that the DVI and HDMI carry the same video information (digital), HDMI carries digital audio also. The only player that gave me trouble with this setup was an arcam 137, every other player I've tried (HDMI to DVI) has worked perfectly.