AM and FM antenna systems

I am trying to help an older couple achieve much better reception for both AM and FM on their stereo receiver.  They listen on their main floor and have no upstairs or attic space is available for antenna placement. A roof-mounted antenna is not feasible.

Have any of you had any positive experiences with AM or FM antenna systems that would help them?



I’ve had luck with the Terk D16. Give it a shot. You can get it on Ebay for less than 15 bucks shipping included. BTW, AM is very difficult with any antenna if you are looking for quiet reception !

Not sure how much they want to spend, but there is a Magnum Dynalab Signal Sleuth on here for sale.  They work incredibly well. No relation to the seller.  I've owned one of these and they do work really, really well.
I like Godar - while I have found the specific placement is important despite the instructions, mine on the first floor works great.
I bought a godar and found it no better than basic good quality rabbit ears or dipole antenna (nothing ever seems to be). and harder to locate optimally for best reception. Sold it and went back to dipole.   Term was no better either though amplifier helps a little with some stations.  Unfortunately outdoor roof antennas or indoor antennas high up even in attic when possible is always best.