Novice requesting preamp options

--Preamp recommendation?--

So I hate to through out such a general question but am really new to higher end audio and hoping to get some guidance.
Recently I've come into some reasonable speakers and an amp.  I want to take this chance to change my listening experience.  Here are the givens so far (and it's not much, the slate is semi clean):
-- A 5 year old "Peter Gunn" modded pair of Magnepan 1.6's
-- A 7 year old Butler TDB 2250 amp
-- A listening room of approx 20' x 24' with 12' ceilings.  The room is too live and needs work.
This is all I currently have.

I'm looking for a preamp recommendation.  My price range is up to $1500-$1600.

I don't have a CD player yet (a good one anyway) so am continuing to keep my eye out.
I initially plan to play CD's but am trying to educate myself on digital ie a quality music server and stand alone DAC as I think this may be an option later on.  ....But I'm finding myself kind of overwhelmed with all the info out there on digital and think it'll be a while before I even understand what questions to ask.
Thanks for your help.

A different approach is to buy a preamp which includes a DAC. This way you'll have a fully functional preamp with multiple inputs plus an onboard DAC unit to play back computer audio or a music server.

The Peachtree Audio novaPre is widely recommended around the forums...
Sorry, this Peachtree has been discontinued. But I still believe that a full function preamp/DAC is the way to go.

Something to keep in mind when adding a preamp to your system is  that the gain and impedance specs will need to match your amp.
If this is the Butler TDB 2250 amp you own, then there would be no problem matching just about any preamp to it.
Thanks for the suggestions. So it seems from the replies that just using a DAC is a good way to go as it can substitute for a preamp?
That’s a blanket statement; not all DACs have the features or flexibility of a preamp. A preamp imparts a certain timbre or sonic signature that sets the mood or emotion of a system (many owners desire this). It also acts as a switching device between different sources; i.e., CD, phonostage or TT, tuner.

Anybody know of any comparison tests done between good DAC’s and, say, something like a Shindo preamp?
If you are asking about Shindo components, please realise that they are high-end and costly gear. Much higher than your budget. If you are able to find a used Shindo tube preamp, grab it. It would be the gem in your system.
I've tried to use DAC's with volume control in lieu of a dedicated preamp with mixed results - in all cases I preferred the sound with a dedicated preamp.  If you're considering tubes, a ModWright SWL 9.0SE should be within your budget and it a terrific sounding preamp.  Plenty of reviews online.
Thanks again.  I've been reading on the ModWright SWL 9SE you mentioned, many seem to enjoy it.  I'll start looking for a used one for sale and see what I find.