Salamander Quality

I'm looking at the Salamander Synergy twin 40, but can't find much as far as reviews on it. I'm mainly looking toward the twin 40 for the design. Mobility is important & the twin 40 can be had with the saturn casters. far as fit & finish are my concerns with the salamander. Before a plop down $1500, I want to be making the right choice
I bought a single 40 (w/side panels and glass door) around 1999 - then in 2005 I bought a single 30 in the same configuration. Both are on casters ( a *big* plus). They are built pretty well. I think their main strength is good looks - - they are a bit on the pricey side, and if you're mostly concerned about great sonics from a rack, look elsewhere. As for me, looks are important, I'm happy with mine and would buy them again.
They look nice and they do the job. That was my initial impression of Salamander when I was looking for a rack. However, I found the price to be a bit high compared to other racks that I found that I liked just as much. What really put me off though was when I found what some local woodworkers could do for the same price. I don't think Salamander racks are bad for fit and finish. I just don't think they're value for money unless their "look" is just what you want. Cosmetics are worth money to people too, just like fit, finish, sturdiness, etc. I'm not saying don't buy one. I just recommend that you look around a bit before you put your money down.
Thanks for your responses. Mobility is important & the salamander is the only cabinet of this type that I've found. Anyone know of another that has mobility?
Seconding Markphd: Worth checking with some local woodworkers. They don't work cheap -- nor should they -- but 1500 is a bit of coin, and might find you approaching a custom piece you'd prefer to the mass market stuff. John