What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
Well, looks like Sherbourn is pumping out their new processor which is basically a re-badged UMC-1 with XLR outputs.

Sherbourn is selling their new processor for a $2,470 msrp.

Everybody still think that "you get what you pay for" mantra still holds in this situation?

Product review is on Audioholics for reference.


I’d ask first though how many Sherbourn procs have been having trouble via input into their forums?

Adding another $2k to the price tag if the above is true sure seems like a poor deal to me…. At first sight, IF indeed there are no changes what so ever besides the name plate. Or those differences don’t amount to anyting near $2K…. well. Someone will buy it.

The thing is this, sub contracting out production doesn’t always indicate the piece is an identical copy when it is finished. This and that part or design change could well have been implemented.

ATI makes or did, Lexicon amps… among several other brands. It’s just what they do.

Are all those other name brands the same identical amps that ATI sells under it’s own banner?

Simply altering the parts of a power supply will alter the sound… we all should know that by now. Change wiring, ckt boards, even the solder being used could make significant changes.

Which ever way this works out is fine by me. Buy & wait for the orig, or get a modified one made by them for someone else for mo’ money.

Or as was said, select something else where you perceive better performance and value to be. Being smart about buying is always the responsibility of the buyer as has always been the case. Cat Emperor!
Good points, thought I don't know what the return rate for Sherbourn has been.

I would suspect that Sherbourn would have to install their own version of GUI and other programming features into their re-badged UMC-1. That's probably where Emotiva is lacking, their hardware design is very experienced, but they may be outsourcing their software design to an unexperienced company.

Hence the price differential.
As speculation goes, that's a good enough one by me.... my thinking, after perusing the review was that Emo thru it's resources was all in on delivering units to Sherborne and perhaps others FIRST. That's ready cash. Single unit sales are catch as catch can.

at any rate, some miscalculating or unforseen items have certainly come up for ol' Emo', apparently.

The TN portion gained my interest though... for a bit.

there's lots of out sourcing going on these days I'd think with many well known makers and that's ok with me. I've seen enough of fresh entries into the market to know it's best to wait a while and try not to live on the "bleeding edge " nearly as much as I used to. And so conservative actions have settled in now.
Old saying goes, "be anxious for nothing". If you absolutely must have it, you likely paid to much, didn't get the best deal, or had too many down-sides, likely. Seems to ring true here. I also presume the outsourced units have their share of issues also. Lol- at least with the Emo, you paid a bit less for your sins. Hehe. Still, non functioning features, burps, and glitches don't sound like my kind of bag. I think waiting to see what sorts out on all this is the better bet.