What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?

Always. Well said. Overcoming that impulsive 'first on the block' streak is a tuff one. A few blisters usually fixes it though.... that or getting older.
So do they have all the bugs fixed/figured out yet, er what?
That sure would be a shame if they finally got em all tied down and addressed, by the time all the technology becomes outdated and the unit's obsolete.
But heck, they released the darn thing KNOWING that there were issues to begin with! Just boggles the immagination.
At this point I'd feel better just getting some av receiver, and use it as a pre-pro with an amp, before ever considering buying into a bunch of glitches, and functionality issues. Fer me anyway.
The UMC-1 is a pre-amp....It does all the processing, but no amplifying.
It has lots of features for a very good price. A good bargain.
Ok, my perspective thus far:
"The UMC-1 is a preamp (that includes bugs)...It does all the processing (with several bugs), but no amplifying (thank goodness, cause if it did offer amplification, it would undoubtedly have a few bugs mixed in). It has lots of features (currently, riddles with - yep, you guessed it...) for a very good price. A good bargain (if you can deal with a few glitches and bugs here and there).

Now I just might be a bit too opinionated here. But In my nearly 20 years around the AV profession, I've never seen such a catastrophe as the UMC-1! - Not even from some branded product that was built in some 3rd world country, and assembled where they likely don’t even have running water!!
I think it's a disgrace personally. That and they keep taking orders for the failure, to further the debacle.
But hey, this is just my pespective.
I was on the waiting list but passed when my time came up. I wanted room correction and it looks like the one they are using doesn't work well/has problems.
I have a new baby and will be lucky to have 30 free minutes to run the Audyssey program, let alone keep installing firmware upgrades/ bug fixes.
I opted for an Integra 9.8 used with warranty{ refurb} for $850.