Good used Pre-Amp? Price Range $1500.00 to $2000.00

Hello to Everyone.

      I'm new to using this forum or any other. My question is what  recommendations would you make for a good used preamp in the price range of $1500-$2000.00. Preamps I've used in the past range from Phase Linear P3800, Nikko Beta 20,30, and 40. Luxman can't remember the model# but it was from the early to mid 80's. And I currently own a Classe DR-6, and Sonic Frontier SFL-1. I wanted too possibly get into using a tube preamp. 
     From the previous forums I've read people always ask. What type of Equipment are you going to be pairing with the Pre-Amp. So here goes.
  1) monarchy SE-160 mono block amps. 
  2) Classe CDP-100 CD-Player.
  3) Carver TX-12 Tuner.    Until I can afford to get a nicer unit.
  4) Systemdek IIX Turntable.
        A) AudioQuest  PT-6 tone arm
.       B) Graddo  Mc wood cartridge. ( Sorry can't remember to exact model ).
        C) custom made tone arm cable. Made of a mixture gold,silver, and ofc red copper.
  5) Audio Research  PH-3 Phono Amp.
  6) all aftermarket power cords. All made of Sliver Plated OFC Copper. In 10 AWG. 
  7) Monster Power HTS-5000 reference power center.
  8) Speakers Sony. ES-SS-M9's. 4 ohms rated 100 to 300 watts continuous. 
        A)    87dB  efficiency. 
  9) Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 with new updates and larger caps. ( Pre-amp ).
10) Classe DR-6 with Seperate power supply & upgraded umbilical cord. ( Pre-amp ).

    I do hope that all this info helps. I really would like to get a nice used Tube Pre-Amp.  And now that I'm disabled because of health issues. My budget got slashed to practically nothing. And as my wife likes to tell me.  I have champagne taste on a non-sweetened Kool-Aid budget. 
   So I would most certainly appreciate any and all suggestions. Thank you all for taking the time to help.

     I will list a few other components and speakers that I occasionally switch out. 
 1)  Amps.
     A) Proton D1200 power amp.
     B) Digital Amp Company  DAC-4800A  amp.
 2)  CD-Player & DAC.
     A)  musical fidelity  Elektra E-60 CD-Player
     B)  Audio Research DAC-5. Digital to analog converter.
 3)  TurnTables. 
     A)  Micro-Seiki DD-40 with 505 tone arm. 
     B). Conrad-Johnson Sonographe SG-3 with Proline tone arm.
 3)  Speakers.
     A) B&W DM-14 speakers.
     B) Canton Karat 30  speakers.
     C) canton  Ergo 32DC. speakers

.  Hey guys thanks again for letting me Ramble.
   Best Wishes to All.
Ag insider logo xs@2xgoldhawk
For your system, I would get a used Classe CP-65 preamp.
  I got one and never looked back. I think the CP-65 is fantastic.
I have a great recommendation in your price range... or any price range.  Don Sach's tube preamp, based around octal tubes (6SN7's), is a glimpse of heaven for under $2K.  It is better than a fully rehabbed Harman Kardon Citation I and is quick, liquid, detailed and dead quiet.  Don is among the nicer and more approachable audio folks in the business and is brilliant. It comes with an excellent wood base and the tubes are exposed for easy tube rollling.  It is the best preamp of the dozen or so (Berning, CJ, Klyne, Modwright, Belles, et. al.)  I have had over the past 45 years.  You can find it by searching for "Don Sachs Consulting" and look under the custom line stage.  He has a killer phono preamp and is nearly completing the development of a KT88-based amp that he feels betters the HK-CII for about $2.5K.  Whitestix  
. I wanted thank everyone who had commented on my post. I really do appreciate all the help and information. You all have been wonderful. 
   So thanks again for taking the time too help a guy out. 
One more to consider, Modwright, the LS100 and discontinued 9 series, would be well in range second hand. Excellent products and great manufacturer support. I got the 36.5 Pre, which might be in your price range and it is not going anywhere. It is better than the Audio Research Ref 3, which costs a lot more.