What's the latest word on the Emotiva UMC-1?

I just bought the Oppo 83 blu-ray player, and now see the Emotiva website says the UMC-1 processor is in initial shipping mode. At only $700, is this processor really of great quality and a bargain compared to the likes of more expensive units from Onkyo, Integra, Marantz, Rotel, etc? I'm looking to spend under $3,000. For strictly home theater use, would you go for the UMC-1 or what other product?
There has not been any Science fiction, stop shilling please.
I have nver had one bug in a Anthem, Rotel, Lexicon, Onkyo or Denon unit. Lesser recievers from Sony (2), Onkyo (3), Pioneer (2) have never had an issue either. A firmware update was usually a new feature not a fix for a bug so your comfort and dismissal of flaws is laughable and should simply not happen.
I am thankful Emo isnt in the medical business because this business model could be life and death.
Does Emo pay you by the post for your blind loyalty?
I dont think Outlaw, marantz and current Onkyo offerings are any better or worse and have not suggested either way, the Emo is a sub $1000 unit in cost and IMO performance and is priced correctly........and as a bonus bugs and glitches are free of charge, what a deal!
"And if you're seriously looking for something better than a UMC-1, don't be silly by suggesting Marantz, Denon or Onkyo."

Yea, how could D&M holdings ever produce a better sounding and performing pre-pro than Tonewinner.
Chandnliz, I was mistaken in thinking you were a reasonable fellow. You persist in bashing a product you don't own. Furthermore, all of the proof about the UMC-1 CURRENT status is easily read on the Emo forums, but apparently the truth is of no concern to you.

1) Please define the current bugs that make my UMC-1 a problem.

2) Onkyo and Marantz had bugs when released. In fact the Marantz would power down only when unplugged when I first got it! They fixed it quickly though. I owned the Rotel for a short time. It had what we call "Sony sound" and I quickly dumped it.

But I'm glad you pointed out that the Onkyo, Marantz offerings are no better, though they are far more expensive. I'd love to pit the current Anthem against the UMC-1 for overall sound quality.

Please grow up and stop accusing people of "shilling." I don't work for Emotiva. I sell yachts and own a website to keep me knee deep in toys.

Based on the e-mails I've gotten (thanks) I'll let two people who don't own the gear currently take their last shots. It's clear what their motives are, I agree.


(and see my system!)

So lets get things straight, nobody can HEAR, EXPERIENCE, be informed, or eductated on any given item of audio if they dont own it? I am thankful for information these days that allow light to shine on dirty little secrets in this hobby, it has saved me from potentially being very disapointed with how I spend my money.
Come to think of it I dont own lawn darts but know they are dangerous (or am I assuming too much?).
There are these things called friends, its a fantastic concept, you see it allows you to visit their homes and experience things they own............you should look into it.
I am oerfectly reasonable but you go too far and you dont even see it in yourself, you insult others with claims of "science fiction" and you hang onto this foolish notion that nobody can possibly hear a audio product they dont own, ears actually do work outside of your own home, I promise its true!
We get your a fan, we can see how much of a crush you have on Emo and that you are a true believer, just because others are not doesnt allow you to mock them, accuse them of making things up or being immature, all of which you have done over and over I might add. Sometimes you get the reply and attitude you deserve. When people point out this company and it flaws you simply say "everyone does it" and thats just not true...........that my friend could for certain be a claim of "science fiction".
You can pick and choose your reality any way you wish but the bottom line is they have made serious mis-steps, may still be making them and attempt to produce a midfi product at a midfi price, non of those are insults they are simple facts. I do think on paper what they are doing is a good thing, they just need to do much better at it.
Have a happy holiday, and quit taking this so personal, its not your company or your problem but if I and others can help others avoid a possible problem I am proud to do my part. Ir Emo wants to shut me and others up just make a product that works as it should when it leaves the factory, seems painfully simple to me.
Jim, I can't get this message to you (keeps coming back even though I'm hitting return with correct address), so I'm posting here and ignoring all of the nonsense above.

Check the UMC-1 forum on the Emo site and contact owners about any bugs still existing. I think you'll be pleased to see what the truth is. Everything else is old news, but take a look for yourself. You're in NJ, which is not too far. No need to take anyone's "word." You can see/hear for yourself.

And no, I have yet to hear ANY processor that is audiophile quality and I've heard units costing in the 6K range. Again, listen for yourself and decide. I own a tube based system along with Merlin speakers for music listening as I never expected a theater system to get it done right. You'd need to move BIG speakers for that to work and I have a dedicated room. You can try me at Thomas35s5@aol.com as well. If you post a query on the MJ Sub elsewhere I can respond and I'm sure others will respond, but a quick answer is this: The MJ and REL subs are about equal, but I find them best for music. A big SVS Ultra sub is great for theater, better even than the Fathom 13", but the Fathom 13" does music better. If you can only go with ONE sub get the Fathom. If you want the best of both worlds get the SVS Ultra and add the MJ or REL for music.

Happy Festivus!
