Symposium Ulta Shelf under floor standing speakers - Any Thoughts ?

Symposium is no doubt a great company with a long with standing pedigree in the Audiophile community. I was looking at their products and they had mentioned that they do have a platform that will work wonders under floor standing speakers. So, I though I would toss the question out to the group and see what everyone thought. The Symposium shelves do wonders under equipment, so what do they do to speakers ?   Thank you in advance .......

EBM - do not reply unless you truly have something to offer and or have them under your own speakers. 

To all members - my comment was not to offend Mr. EBM I always appreciated his comments regarding Symposium. So my apology to him if this comment which was intended as joke ....that offense was taken. Not my intent.
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I agree with first posting, if you are considering this option I would look closely at the seismic podium. I spoke to the distributor in the US  as I have been looking at them for my 800D's. Cost about 3800 US (full retail) for the pair for the largest size.
The Ultras will certainly deliver a lot of vibration absorption (dissipation of energy as heat), but, you should at least experiment with the effects of raising your speaker that much higher off the floor.  If you cannot borrow a pair of Ultras, you might want to use wooden blocks or something to see if the extra height helps or hurts the sound and to see if adjustments to speaker placement can take care of any issues.

Other options include footers like those supplied by Stillpoint.  A local dealer really likes those footer under many of the floorstanding speakers they carry (Magico, Raidho, and Focal).  These things can be much more expensive than anything else mentioned here, but a lot of people swear by them.
I tried svelte shelves under my Opera Callas monitors, between the speaker and the stand.  It definitely "cleaned up" the sound, but ultimately, I preferred the speakers directly on the stands.  IMO, they took some of the warmth out of the sound.  I would imagine they would work well in a more boomy system that is lacking in bass definition, but as stated above, you really have to try it to see.  I think many people, in a search for detail and clarity, end up with thin-sounding systems that are difficult to listen to in the long term.