D2v vs Classe ssp800, which would you prefer?

I have narrowed my choice of ssp's to either the Anthem D2v or Classe ssp800 and would like to hear peoples opinions. It seems to me the anthem has more features but not quite as good sounding as the ssp800. Any thoughts on what you would have in your system?? I am currently an avm30 owner and love it! Obviously, I am very familiar with how it works and its set uo, i.e stay with what you know. My room is not thad bad either. The system is paradigm sig's, mac mc207amp and Marantz ud9004. (would love to own the Mac MX150 but it is priced out of contention. Thanks
The XTZ measures whatever you feed it to. You can feed it to one channel, some channels or all channels. For EQ, use a single channel to develop the filters but pairs/multiples to confirm results.
The results with the XTZ Pro II were great with
The Classe. Sounds so much better!
I briefly heard some Classe equip (2 ch? ...multi ch?) playing stereo music at a CES demo in the Venetian this past week. I wasn't there for the equipment, and briefly ran in and out of the room to get to the next stop on my list. What I did remember, besides what exactly I was listening to, was how refined and "hi-end" sounding the setup was, and what was coming out of the system, and was nicely assured of the prowess of what Classe still offers in electronics! Yes, the sound was overall superb.
I presume the same passion level of excellence would be meticulously passed on to the hi-end only company's other products, regardless, no doubt! That said, the assumption is that you will be treated to no less when it came to high end sound reproduction from the SSP800, yes?!
My presumption (only mine) is that a safe bet would be that the Classe likely trumps the potential of the Anthem, all things equal and considered.
I wish the Classe had auto room correction built in like the Anthem! ARC makes such a big improvement to my system. I would like to try the Classe, but I don't think that I would want to live without ARC!

I guess I also don't have any real complaints about the audio quality with the D2/ARC. It sounds pretty damn good actually.
I do consulting in sound and vision. I had many stereo highend systems. I did now have surround because the quality was not good enough want I wanted. Until roomcorrection. It breings surround to a level which I am happy with. Without it I would not want surround even for free. Wenn you have highend systems 3 dimensional sound is a pre, or you miss an important part in realistic sound. That was the reason why I sold my Nautilus 800S. B&W is very poor in 3d imaging. Wenn you want to go further in quality you have to stop with some brands. Classe is a brand what is very capable of depth. But without roomcorrection you never get that level which is superior. In the past I owned the Pass Labs XA100.5 and XP-20. Now I use the Pass labs X250.0 and Onkyo PR-SC5509. The grazy thing is; I have an extreem 3d image even with stereo. Onkyo ( Integra) is the only brand which can play deep behind the speakers. Brand like Arcam, Marantz, Denon are all 2 dimensional. I sold these brands for many years and I tested them many times. For me it is as simple as 1 and 1 is 2 what it is capable for in quality and properties. With Audessey Pro I got a level what I never thought it would be possible in surround. Focus on instruments and how clear a voice sounds go's more easily than wenn I used the XP-20. There is one limitation. You need to know a lot about sound to use Audessey pro. For most consumers it is not an easy system to use. I measure at different hights than Audessey does. But at the end I get an higher level in quality they get. Wenn I play stereo my sub is fully stealth with the other speakers. These days I set my sub to 120hz. This sets everything to an higher level. You need a subwoofer without bass reflex system and a big speaker unit only on the front side. Alle other kinds of subs I tested all failled in tests to become fyll stealth. I hate wenn a sub is to slow and not fully stealth. Most subs you can throw in the garbage bag. Only with a good roomcorrection system like Audessey pro your speakers incl. sub become one. Wenn you do not use this you always can easily hear the flaw's. For me it is perfect sound or nothing. There is never a solution in between.