Paul Weitzel from Tube Research Labs

We lost a great person and audio giant, my condolences and sympathy to him and his family.

Paul's friendship, knowledge and passion for music will most certainly remain with me forever.

I found this thread much later. I am still not over this. My heart still hurts. I did not listen to my system for a long time. But I am listening now. Every time I hear Paul through music.
Here's a quote from TRL home page with which I couldn't agree more.

"Tube Research Labs typically does not publish traditional measurements on it's equipment's performance. These measurements illustrate how machines hear, not how humans hear. We probably are years away from having measurements which we can really associate to or correlate with the listenability of a device."

It's seems silly to me to discard all measurements just because sometimes measurements don't correlate with what we hear, or expect to hear. Certainly, measurements do often explain what we hear.
Paul’s gear certainly lived up to the expectations in that quote. This human knows his gear is wonderful sounding without knowing the specs. 
Just awful to read this terrible news.  So sad to hear of this.  Paul was a friend and a great audio mind. 

I am happy to hear of Paul's being saved, and a brother in Christ. 

My deepest condolences to Paul's family, especially his brother Brian.  My heart also goes out to Paul's other dear friends in the audio world, some of whom I know in this thread.  May we all reflect on this moment and give thanks for the days in which God blesses us on this earth.