Who has tried "TIDAL" vs other streaming applications?

Hello, I'm new to Audiogon, this is my first posting into Forums.

I enjoy streaming audio from my PC and have been using Spotify for a number of years now (college student discount to premium $5 a month). I just recently stumbled upon a App called TIDAL, that streams Lossless 16/44.1FLAC with their "HI-FI" subscription (Student $10 a month). Since I can queue up Spotify and Tidal at the same time, I was able to do an A/B and used Dire Straits Brothers in Arms. I noticed that TIDAL indeed sounds better to me but am convinced none of my family members could tell a difference. I then did an A/B with TIDAL and the actual Brothers in Arms CD, to my surprise TIDAL sounded scary close, if not just as good as the CD! This is hard for me to believe, I think I'm just trying to justify the extra cost of TIDAL on a crazy tight student budget, maybe its a placebo effect? I need to drop one of the services, but which one? I would appreciate your thoughts please... Thank you!
My system:
PC = Gaming Rig I built myself, using dedicated high quality audio card.
Krell KAV 400xi integrated
Sonus Faber Electa's with Sunfire HRS Sub
Cambridge AZUR 840C CDP/DAC
Luxman T117 Tuner
Sony SCD - C2000ES SACD Player
Kimber Silver Streak throughout  

The more I think about the "business case" Tidal must have evaluated to decide to stream MQA in the (near) future, the more I suspect that they will do the MQA conversion in their app, maybe give you the option to stream MQA "natively", but to have spent gobs to get their library converted and only be able to offer the MQA option to those with an MQA-capable DAC probably doesn't make sense.  Plus, from what I've read, MQA is delivered to the DAC in a "PCM wrapper", so I suspect that streaming MQA, converting it in the Tidal app to FLAC and outputting that converted format to the DAC would probably give the benefits of MQA.

Fingers crossed.
Another vote for tidal.  I love it.  I use it on the browser in my office, and I use it via Roon on my hifi system.

killer system, student!  My system in my student years paled in comparison!
@devilboy If I understand your question correctly, you will control Tidal's volume using the volume controls of the iPad. However, it you're using bluetooth to transmit Tidal music to a bluetooth device, it depends on whether the device allows volume control via bluetooth. In my case I can control using the same iPad volume controls.

Good luck.
+1 on how great Tidal is, but also +++1 on how great the addition of ROON is on top of Tidal. There is a quirk with Roon (or at least I see it as a quirk) that I have to ’add to library’ tracks on Tidal for Roon to then interpret the album or track as part of my music library (it's not actually downloading but more like 'tagging' music as part of my library). Because of this philosophy, I find Roon to be somewhat limited from a music-discovery perspective; I always have to go to the Tidal interface whithin Roon to explore new music, but it’s not a biggie really - still a quirk they should work on.

Most importantly though - the key benefits of ROON:
Roon properly interprets and manages classical music (Spotify or even Tidal doesn’t do a good job with this).
Roon supports a full, lovely iPad app that makes for a wonderful remote.
Roon shows music lyrics, album reviews and other metadata that is fun to explore while listening to the music of the band in question - it’s a great accompaniment to the listening experience.
Roon supports technical integration with things like HQPlayer, allowing me to upsample all Roon tracks to DSD on the fly.

The last point above is HUGE, as it allows me to play all music via DSD 128 via my Lampizator Big 7 chipless DSD dac. The resulting sound quality is jaw-dropping. I paid the $500 for livetime Roon membership and I think anyone who doesn’t is pretty shortsighted, considering we spend more than that (in some cases orders of magnitude more) on the likes of an interconnect or some audio accessory.

Tidal has been an amazing step forward in the music experience vs. what came before it, but Roon (plus HQPlayer plus Lampizator chipless DSD dac) is a revelation and takes things to a whole new level.