
I'm doing research on which subwoofers to pair with my Magnepan MG-IIIA's.   Do you have any recommendations. 

My system is strictly two channel audio just for music.   A booming subwoofer is not what I'm striving for.  It has to blend in with the music.  I'm intrigued by the magnepan DWM bass panel but just not certain yet.  I've done research on the suggestions all of you have given me, thanks for the suggestions. 
Zardozmike, if you want 'seamless', then I urge you to try/audition the Vandersteen subs. They are without a doubt, as seemless as you can get. I don't know where you are located, but look up Johnny R on Agon, he is a dealer who can guide you. And, no, I have never bought anything from him, but he offers his insight and experience for free.
I am using an Elac S10EQ with my Maggie 1.7's.  The setup was very easy and fully automatic if you have a smartphone.  The app uses the mic on your phone and EQ's the sub for your room. I now have that extra bass that I was missing.  At $499 this was also a very inexpensive upgrade that I ordered from Amazon with free shipping and 2 day delivery, and a 30 day return policy.  400 watts of power and all you need is a line out from your pre or integrated. Here is a clip from Andrew Jones on the Elac site:

Automatic Subwoofer EQ System
Goodbye traditional analog controls. The Debut S10EQ subwoofer incorporate an advanced digital control system. Simply download the ELAC SubEQ app for your IOS or Android smartphone and you will have complete control. No more fumbling around the back of the subwoofer. Utilizing the ELAC Sub Control app and your smartphone's microphone, the S10EQ subwoofer will automatically equalize to your room's characteristics using a 12-band parametric equalizer. Full manual EQ is available as well.
JL Audio makes some of the finest subs currently available and very suited to music. Numerous new patents and both the newer less expensive e series or the nice original  series (F I think?) are very good. Have heard them many times and a friend is running 2 e models with his system. Also heard good things about the newer rels. 
A HSU VTF 15H, with 2 or 4 Soffit Traps from GIK Acoustics and a miniDSP will beat any subwoofer without them for musicality, depth and dynamic range. 

The biggest problem in getting subwoofers for high quality loudspeakers is not really the quality of the sub but the integration. The room acoustics behave differently below 200 Hz and especially blow 40 Hz, so adding bass extension moves audiophiles into new territory.  Your room rings like a bell at low frequencies, and the bass traps are necessary before EQ will work. 

Given a choice of a $40,000 subwoofer "naked" or a single $1,000 Hsu with bass traps and EQ, I'll always take the latter.  In fact, I wouldn't do a 2-way speaker without bass traps after hearing them.  By the way, Hsu makes very very nice subs for the money. I'm not trying to knock them at all. 

