Is Krell onto something?

Krell's latest Pre/Pro (reviewed in this month's Stereophile) features two center channel outputs, joining Magnepan in support of this, in my opinion, superior option for the most crucial (should I say 'all important') channel. An image right in the screen's center, one speaker above, one below, adds a palpable level of realism, and, after all, two (speakers and amps) don't have to work as hard as one.

Any thoughts, other than the standard 'comb filtering' argument, that does not anyway hold up to measurements, or my listening experience.
It is interesting that in another recent thread on Audiogon regarding the use of center channels I seem to recall that a number of the contributors have abandoned their center channel altogether with the possible exception of DVDs in HT in favor of two channel stereo. Krell has always produced a superior product IMO so no doubt this would also add a new dimension . . . .or gimmick??? It would seem to be a good idea, however, if Magnepan is in support of two channel centers but, then again, they would sell more center channel speakers as a result.

My system uses Maggie 20.1s and Krell fpb 350 monos. I have disconnected the Maggie center and corresponding Krell amp. It still sounds great to me!
Peurto, The center's importance, I should have emphasized (but this is the home theater section!), is, in my opinion, most obvious for movies (DVD and BluRay), especially with discrete multi-channel sources, and it also contributes positively for well mastered music in this format (which can be spectacular in the uncompressed BluRay format).

For stereo sources, and with great left and right speakers like yours, a center certainly can get in the way if not degrade the sound (with the processor's help).
I think 5 or more speakers is too many even for movies. I do like the subwoofer though that really adds to the sound effects and brings a good foundation for most music. I would try 2 channel with a subwoofer and see how it sounds to u. your opinion is the only one that counts. Shay
Maybe they're just on something?
All joking aside, I like 7.1 channel for movies and music sometimes.