Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Since I last posted on here I have added an HDP-5 processor/preamp and as Almarg mentions, this has a low noise switch mode power supply. My HDP-3 uses a linear supply and both sound equally transparent with no top end glare that I can detect. Most of my listening is analogue input from two turntables and my various power amps & subs are also connected via unbalanced RCA cabling.

The HDP-5 has slightly greater clarity and openness to the soundstage than the HDP-3 & I will be using them together in a 4-way stereo setup (0-60hz, 60-200hz, 200-3100hz, 3100khz+), the HDP-3 managing just the subs.
Andrew (Drewan77), congratulations on the new HDP-5!  And thanks once again for the many valuable inputs you have provided to this thread.

Best regards,
-- Al

Update, I just spoke with Larry Owens.  He calibrates the DEQX, and modifies them.  He said my unit does have a potentially noisy SMPS.  The 4 is Linear, the 5 is a high end SMPS that does not have the same issues.  Other hardware in my unit is not on the same level as the 4 and 5.  I am not sure how mine differs from the PreMate.  I mostly listen to music via my Core Audio Kryptos music server.  His suggestion is to try and keep everything in the digital realm for me.  That way the power supply will not affect my sound near as much.  I had to send him some pictures of the mother board in my unit.  He is looking to see if he can add a SPDIF input/output to my unit.  Boards differ on the year they were built.  I would then install the Mate between my music server and my DAC.  He believes that would get me a lot of bang for the buck.  If I want Digital to Analog/Analog to Digital, I am going to need to isolate that part of the system from the noisy power supply, and add a new clean power supply.  Something he can do, but more money.   Just an FYI.

Good info, Kingrex.  Thanks!

BTW, although it undoubtedly has no relevance in the case of your Mate, I'll mention that according to a communication I had with Alan Langford of DEQX last year, incorporation of Larry's mods into a unit that is under factory warranty will invalidate that warranty.

Best of luck as you proceed.  Regards,
-- Al